Indoor only cat?
Indoor only cat?
Yikes. I just got one fang puncture into the wrist (she was playing; I was stupid) and twelve hours later the infection was streaking up my arm. Hooray for Augmentin - outpatient!
This could explain your vivid, entertaining dreams.
I got cat scratch disease as a child and then a few months ago almost lost the vision in one eye to toxoplasmosis. Just lucky I guess.
For real. I have a friend whose daughter just spent 3 days in the children’s hospital hooked up to IV antibiotics for the same thing. Cat bit her hand and the bacteria got into the joint. They even went straight to the ER when she was bitten.
Well that’s terrifying. Excuse me while I try to figure how to get out of handling cats at my job ever again.
Oh, and you know what character got the shortest shrift of all? Bobby Draper. Leaving aside that there were, like, nine of him it was easily the best avenue the series never went down. How would a guy like Don, such an absolute cipher, deal with a son who might have been like him? Or different from him? Don had such a…
YES, I was out to dinner with mr. perdue a couple weeks ago and we were seated across from a table of prom-goers and I couldn’t believe how casually the girls were dressed compared to proms in the late 90s/early 00s that I remember. I’m from the south and now I live in LA, so I thought maybe regionally we were just…
“The students will find themselves doing the ‘Mike Tyson’ and ‘Bobby Brown’ while a disc jockey plays records by Milli Vanilli, Bobby Brown, Michael Bolton, Skid Row, Whitesnake, and other popular acts.”
I’m mostly astonished by two things a) at how the price has skyrocked over the last decade or so and b) dress length.
Then there’s the whole thing about the connection between equity (the financial kind) and inequality. It just layers on the ick.
Are we SURE Donald Sterling is no longer in the apartment business?
almost too good
I live in a condo that happens to have several gay couples living there. The one other heterosexual couple (my husband and I are heterosexual too) in my condo are such idiot assholes always letting their stupid guests park right in front of my garage so I have had to go knock on their door several times so I can get…
Jesus christ. I wrote up this sign and was like, “Ah, this is good. This is an accurate and respectful and totally legal sign that will cause no problems and is totally fine to post in public. Good job, me!”? How dumb and/or racist do you have to be to write this bullshit?
Not really joking. All of the Bothering Me options are a No Go. I don’t really give a crap if anyone’s kid gets to see grandma or not. You got your troubles I got mines.
“Having a child doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life and limiting where you go...”
Actually, that’s exactly what it means. Having a child means changing your lifestyle significantly.