
I’m not sure about everywhere. I live in a fashion-forward city and I’ve never heard of her. In fact, the last time I went to Target I didn’t even notice if they were carrying the line; if it weren’t for Jezebel I wouldn’t know about it at all. Definitely won’t be buying any of it now.

You know, it’s weird, when they first started talking about how that crap was going to be at Target, I thought, “Nobody in MA will buy that,” and then I saw the racks picked clean at two different stores once they arrived. But I still haven’t seen anyone actually wearing it. Maybe everyone bought it to resell on eBay?

Not everywhere! Northern California here and I only recently heard that this brand is a thing. I’ve never seen anyone ever actually wear it.

Admittedly, I don’t know what a Lilly Pulitzer is.

According to her personal mythology when she was running a juice stand on Worth Ave she designed the brightly colored dresses because she was constantly staining her clothing with orange pulp. Also, Palm Beach required “proper” clothing even in this steamy environment and I think her designs were a *wink wink nudge

Yeah I clicked on the link and all I could think was “someones getting fired, but its not anyone from lilly pulitzer.” This is like publishing a picture of an employee with brocolli stuck in their teeth, you’re writing a puff piece not the jungle.

Given the Mean Girls attitude that runs rampant throughout the fashion industry, are we even the tiniest bit surprised?

I know this might bring up comments, but I’m going to post anyway. Why is it that some white women (#notallwhitewomen) wholeheartedly believe that being as thin as possible is the ONLY way to be? I’m black and in our culture, curves are celebrated (and yes, health issues are real when people abuse food and end up with

I will say yes to this food. I will so no to their clothes. Just like before.

“ Of course this particular brand, which is all about status and rich white women, would be fat-shaming. “

Forgot to take down or just plain don’t give a fuck?

SAD: The fine print reads: “You should probably just kill yourself.”

Last time I was laid off, I didn’t even get tacos. I got nothing. At least with tacos, I could cry into my crispy shell while wondering how I would pay for my next meal.

take the younger kids away because the parents are incapable of parenting properly?

Technically, now we just call it solitary confinement, but I still prefer the 14-foot hole with rats, maggots, and maybe you get fed if people remember you’re down there.

Kind of makes you wish the oubliette was still an option,

It worked great for quitting smoking, but those nightmares! They were so upsetting I woke up crying every morning. I wish they could fix that one little side effect, then more people would quit.

So much for honesty.

Nothing. Conveniently, the statute of limitations has expired.