
My husband was able to quit smoking but still uses snus, which is disgusting. He won’t even take Advil so I’m guessing I won’t be able to convince him to take Chantix. Good for you though! Quitting is so hard. I did it about 15 years ago, then casually social smoked for several more years before quitting for good. Now

Many times it is simply lack of opportunity or fear of consequences that keep us from falling into grievous sin even though our fallen hearts would love to indulge the flesh.

Do I have your permission to write a novella called Severance Tacos? Because, in the (never happening) event that it sells, we can work out a financial deal.

“Severance tacos”

This is the worst part of the whole thing. (Well apart from the kids being in the middle of the mess.) That this asshole and her asshole celeb friends actually get press and sympathy through their White House petition in support of her very shady side of a shady custody dispute.

TBH, severance tacos were more than I received from my lay-off. Working notice is bullshit.

I’m sorry for your nightmares but I haven’t laughed this hard in months. I can see plainly the chickens being released from the bus.

I pretty sure that if my husband got laid off, he’d be okay with severance tacos.

I didn’t know her at all as Ben Stiller’s mother but as Anne Meara, herself! Talented lady, lots of fun, always a joy to watch on the screen.

Unsolicited comment. Chantix is the devil’s pez. Nausea, nightmares, night sweats and a host of other unpleasantries. And it freakin’ saved my life. I was one of those “you’ll have to pry the cigarette out of my cold dead hand” die hards. Then the cardiologist told me that I would either die hard or lose a leg within

One can accept that death is a natural and necessary part of life and still be sad when it happens. There is no contradiction therein.

So if a death isn’t in some way unexpected or shocking, no one should be sad about it?

She really made you sympathize with a somewhat unlikeable character. Which I guess is a hallmark of a talented actress. I also think that even though it was two against one, Ben and Jerry, she probably had them bowing down to her Queen level comedy chops.

Fabulous. Thank you.

What a marvelous clip. Thank you.

This situation is horrific. Two horrible people being horrible, wasting court time and making lawyers filthy rich. Their poor children will be so damaged from all this.