
I demand samples of both every time I go to Sephora because I have not been able to convince myself to buy something Olsen twin related. I'm sure my resolve will break down soon or whenever the Sephora people tell me no more for you.

Most of the cast never did much after Full House. The Olsens built a huge empire first on silly tv movies and other kid junk, then moved on to create a high end line.

We want to give the fans what they deserve for supporting us for so many years.

While a horrible and sad story (that I already had a chance to process after reading on Gawker last night), I do want to point out that Charles County is not Baltimore. It is more than an hour away.

Destroy the records all you want, they are still out there and everyone now knows about it. If the Arkansas police want, I can print the records and send it to them. Maybe we all should?

Someone has to have done the road trip from Climax, MI through Intercourse, PA to end up in Accident, MD. Then went straight to Hell, MI.

Well, according to their Facebook supporters this is all thanks to the liberal media, gossip lovers, and atheists. Because, you know, that’s the only people who should ever be outraged by child molestation. Religious people get it.

This is like 50% of my booze consumption in the summer. What am I supposed to drink when we are recapping Game of Thrones and eating Chinese takeout? What am I supposed to drink when it is too early for whiskey or I am trying to pretend to be a delicate flower? OH THE HUMANITY!

YES!!! Here’s hoping they replace it with 19 Guinea Pigs and Counting

I am looking into adopting ex cage hens, and the place I am looking at recommend feeding the eggs back to the hens. Freaked me out!

Mama June sucks, but she ain’t wrong.

I hope this helps my case for therapy manatees. How could they not cheer me up?

I don’t know why it never occurred to me that this is a thing that happens, but the fact that chickens need to be rescue makes me really sad.

What you can’t see is the pile of failed attempts littering the Pizza Hut floor.

I’m just impressed those racist shits from Arkansas could correctly spell “KKK.”

My best friend has chickens and I must admit, I coo over the colors of the eggs.

On private property, like a mall, I have zero problem with management kicking them out. That’s their right.

I actually would never make an argument that the Amish are a cult because Amish people encourage their children to go out and experience the secular world and all of its temptations during "Rumspringa."