She was pretty cool. Especially when it came to the awkward stuff. Her combined sense of humor and sensibility were a blessing and kept me out of any real trouble.
She was pretty cool. Especially when it came to the awkward stuff. Her combined sense of humor and sensibility were a blessing and kept me out of any real trouble.
My grandmother worked in the communications office at the Pentagon during the war. They actually printed draft cards that they never had to use. She actually saw draft cards for all of her brothers printed up.
Thanks! Funny how posts that challenge tend to stay permanently stuck in the grays. Not always, but enough to be noticeable. Whatevs.
The woman in the picture you posted kind of reminds me of Alison Angrim (Nellie Oleson on Little House on the Prairie).
I’m a pretty hardcore Nirvana fan, and I even kind of love the trainwreck that is Courtney Love. I’m not judging anybody who wants to rent the place for a night, but it seems kind of ghoulish. I’m not going to lie, if I lived on the West Coast I’d probably cave eventually and check it out. Or not. Mixed feelings are a…
Just looking at all those feathers makes me sneeze.
I just adore Alan Rickman. So happy for the happy couple.
Pornified. That’s my new favorite word. Or porniness. Tough, those are both GREAT words.
I’m very sorry that your brother had to go through that. The point here isn’t to force kids to attend a party out of pity, but to teach them to have genuine compassion for children who are different and be accepting of them. These parents have obviously failed on some level to do. It shows in how she’s treated at…
You babble and assume much, but know nothing. I’m pro-choice for starters. I didn’t say she should raise a child that she doesn’t want. I said she should be financially responsible at least. It seems that Sally will raise the child as his and she will only a mother on paper.
You might find the lifestyle represented by an article of clothing not to your liking and you’re entitled to your opinion. Is it fair to basically point and snicker at, let’s be blunt, the white rich lady population that seems drawn to this line of garishly colored shapeless clothing simply because they are white and…
Please keep trying to justify your lack of consideration. It's amusing. You've heard from hundreds of people just on this forum that this is a) inconsiderate and b) other people manage but somehow you're the exception to the rule. This should be telling you something.
No, she sounds like somebody who doesn't think mommy new or old gives people license to be inconsiderate. Having good manners and being thoughtful of others doesn't make anyone a jerk. Being a self-absorbed special snowflake on the other hand...
No, but the person who leaves a used condom at a school playground will be. It's not the worst thing to leave for a kid to find, but still. Ewwwwww.
It wasn't a playground. It was a park. No condom involved which there definitely should have been, but hindsight is 20/20. I did lose a necklace, but I went back the next day and found it.
Yes, you are overopinionated. They both sound like self-absorbed assholes. She signed the paperwork and agreed to all of this and then changed her mind. The reason doesn’t really matter.
“Lesser cars”....that made me laugh. Anybody who is more concerned about “lesser cars” than being considerate needs a good cart ding (or two).
That's cool. And they are raising a new generation of cart returners! I don't even know them, but I love them for this alone.
And that's why karma exists.