Yeah, but I can sort of be ok with this. I mean, the store should have a place to return carts that is somewhat convenient.
Is your logic seriously that I should be inconsiderate so somebody has a job? That makes as much sense as peeing on the floor of a public restroom so somebody has the job of cleaning it up. Nobody wants that job.
I’ve seen people with multiple children in tow manage to return the cart without a problem. Please don’t be patronizing to people who don’t have children. There are just some things in life that are common sense and don’t require actually having a child to get. This is one of those things.
Yeah, it could be 100 feet away — it’s still lazy as fuck to just leave a stray cart blocking parking spaces and walkways. Not to mention damaging somebody's car.
I know. Right? Honestly though, it would not shock me if the answer was elementary school kids.
Meanwhile in other news....
People are so effing lazy. It’s like those assholes that leave their shopping cart in the lot because they can’t be bothered to walk 5 fucking feet to put it back properly. Geezus! This poor kid.
That was THE best. It was cute how her hands would tap along with the music and she still knew all of the songs.
That was adorable. That was my favorite part too. To see her face light up the way it did was just...just...oh here I go again. Tissues please.
For once this didn't happen in Florida. Way to go Michigan.
You weren't kidding. I've sprung a leak that no hankie can stop. This was such a joy to watch. What a remarkable woman.
Yup, that sounds about right.
Dear Sherri,
And this, my friends, is one of the many reasons I LOVE being an only child. An only child of a gay father and straight mother who were married long enough for appearances sake and to produce me.
And just so we are crystal clear...
Anything Japanese...