Thank you. He’s a weird little dude, but I love him to pieces. And he is little. Everybody thinks he’s a puppy. He comes in at just over 20 lbs.
We originally weren’t going to go on a honeymoon because we paid for our wedding and agreed to pay cash and not go into crazy amounts of debt. At the time, we were living 430 miles apart due to our careers and had been spending a small fortune on traveling back and forth to see each other and for job interviews. The…
I have a theory, but there's no science to it. They can't get jurys smart enough to convict criminals and get them off the street. Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman. Yeah, I rest my case.
I'm Southern and part Scottish and Irish. I've never been in a brawl. I say it's a Floriduh thing.
I can see why she might have that look on her face. I've owned Cocker Spaniels my entire life and even I have the Ari look some days. By the way, that ^^^ is Ducky. He's my baby :)
Yeah, he definitely doesn't make my list of guys I'd drop my panties for. I don't get it either.
You should read my follow up responses, I think you’ll find that we agree on many points. Her classmates don’t engage with her at school and she’s left to play by herself. This is about a lot more than a birthday party.
I think parents these days, not all of them of course, have a hard time identifying teachable moments. Especially in cases where the child needs to be made aware of the impact their decisions make on others. It's the utterly self-absorbed leading the self-absorbed.
Don’t hate the game, hate the Flayer. Maybe he should stick to being single.
For the most part my parents allowed me to make decisions for myself too, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t provide the groundwork for me to build on. Or intervene when I made poor choices.
It was a real thing. Sadly, it's no longer around.
No. Empathy. Compassion. Diversity. Decency. Take your pick.
You are unduly hostile. You were asked a question. In polite society you provide an answer when asked a question. Your point of view being challenged does not give you an excuse to be rude.
So, how do you explain how she’s treated at school? This isn’t just about a birthday party. It’s about a little girl who is different and classmates who don’t seem to understand that leaving that one “different” person out in general hurts feelings. So, yes, shame on the parents who don’t seem to have done such a…
I think the issue here reaches much, much deeper than a simple birthday party. Her mom visits the school and finds her playing by herself? Now this? This isn’t about pity. This is about basic human decency.
And this is why I like my dogs more than most people. Shame on the parents who turned down the invite.
Blasphemy. I cling to the two I have with a death grip.
I didn’t faint. I couldn’t care less. My yoga pants and “Drink Wisconsibly” t-shirt are just fine.