
Yes! I was hoping to see some gorgeous stilettos. Sadly, I broke all of mine, but my nails grow like weeds, so I'll be back in business in time for summer beach colors. Woo hoo! Would love to see a tutorial on maintaining this style for natural nails. Would it help if I begged?

Paula Deen doesn’t have what it takes to overthrow Dolly. I imagine Dolly flashing her best smile at Deen and saying “well bless your heart”.

In this week’s edition of Things I Wish Would Just Drop Off The Face of The Earth:

Somebody needs a copy of Emily Post’s guide to etiquette.

“There was one of two things I had a right to,” she explained, “liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.” - Hariet Tubman

Is it just me or is Fergie channeling Ann B. Davis here?

Well done. Two things I saw recently that have no business ess being in the same sentence — Gwyneth Paltrow and relatable. No, just no.

Should I make popcorn?

I'm sorry, I misread your original comment.

We’ve all had that moment where our chosen profession and personal beliefs collide, but that does not give us the right to pass moral judgment on others or not do our jobs. I'm sure legally speaking there are exceptions to this, but it's not common.

Having been an Exucutive Assistant for many years, I always kept an emergency kit in my desk drawer that people could help themselves to. Shouts wipes and the stainstick were very popular.

Check out applepandowdygirl’s comment. Girl does some serious splaining.

You don't have to be a country music fan to love Dolly Parton. She's a class act and an amazing woman. I just want to hug her to pieces.

Yup, just checked my bottle and it’s very clear that it is very flammable. Has a little flame thingy and everything.

I'm going to have to try this. I'm typically no nonsense when it comes to my nails, but have been expanding my horizons and playing with new colors and textures. This is so perfectly elegant and subtle.

P.S. Even though we don’t 100% agree, this was one of the most respectful and intelligent exchanges I’ve had on here in awhile. Thank you :)

Yes, the children are mean. Full of opinion, no facts. Lacking solid reading comprehension skills. Lots of hostility. Ugh. I hear you.

So jealous! London is my favorite city. Have a great time.

Yes. They snap in half and have a nice little cloth for dabbing up spills. I think I found these at Target in the travel sizes bins.

Snarky! That was the word I was desperately searching for earlier and could not locate it in my brain. Thank you!