
In what universe do people think watching child abuse happen is LEARNING? I couldn't agree with you more. I don't know who is more sick out of such a vast array of smarmy characters. The viewers, the folks at TLC, Mama June, oh and Mr. Touchy Feely.

Wow. I'm so old that Goth fashion didn't exist unless you were very wealthy. The rest of us had to make our own clothes or have a good eye and be able to make edgy fashion from a concoction of department store pieces.

My faith in humanity will be fully restored when we lose our shit over stuff that matters. We can't be bothered to vote unless it's American Idol. We say it's a waste of the taxpayers time and money when some fool of a Congressman proposes banning yoga pants, but we waste our own time pondering such important things

It never ceases to amaze me how confused people get over want versus need. You might want to shop six days a week, but you don't need to. Call me old fashioned, but I like tradition and see no reason to dispense with it in this case.

I love how Jez has a way of making me face traumatic events better left in the past. Then again, it's kind of nice to see how far I've come. This is a greatly abbreviated version of events, but the picture is still the same.

Why do these religious nut bags even care? It's not like anybody is asking them to die or to choose this for one of their loved ones. I will never understand why people feel the need to force their beliefs on others. It must be incredibly exhsusting to live your own life when all you do is fuss about how everybody

I agree there is a more adult way to approach this. While it might feel good to vent, you won't be proud of yourself later. Best to focus on the happy event and minimize the drama rather than adding to it.

My female BFF in high school used to have her boyfriend spank it into little cosmetic jars so she could use it on her zits. I believe you. Personally, I thought good old Ten O Six was more effective.

I celebrated my divorce with a cartwheel, bottle of Dom, and an Air Force test pilot. I recommend all of the above over a trip to the gun range.

Awww. I would have left it on there. If my husband had wanted beer on the registry that would have been cool with me. After all. It would be such a him thing for him to do and I did agree to marry that, right?

Really? Nothing like interpreting somebody else's words for entertainment value. Except your interpretation wasn't the least bit entertaining. I'd say his requests are pretty reasonable when compared with the likes of say...Jennifer Lopez. His requests are reasonable when not compared to anyone else actually.

It's all good.

And quit making shit about race that isn't.

Beck has already been around for 25 years.

Hey, way to make something about race that totally isn't. Reading comprehension clearly isn't what it used to be.

Kanye clearly has his own definition of "artistry". Beck writes his own music, plays something like 15 different instruments (and well), produces his own stuff, never phones it in, and has been doing so for well over 20 years. You don't need to be a Beck fan to appreciate his dedication to his art. Kanye's

It's all in how you say it, but yeah that's exactly what that translates to. I'm a native of Virginia who is currently sitting in 4 feet of snow in Massachusetts and I feel like telling this whole state to bless it's little heart. You made my day.

Next he'll be trying to ban words like titilated from public conversation.

Fix the coffee maker, order us lunch and bring it to us for our meeting, we're out of X in the bathroom, we're done with lunch - clean up after us....

Very nicely said. Grief is such a personal thing. My Aunt took pictures of my grandfather in his coffin and sent them to all of the family. I was horrified when I opened the mail and saw that staring back at me! To her, his death was merely closing the last chapter in a life well-lived and a photo to remember him