Isn't she cute? Racist and homophobic all in one neat little package. Seriously, stop talking.
Isn't she cute? Racist and homophobic all in one neat little package. Seriously, stop talking.
People from the Midwest don't ya know?
And all this time I didn't think it could get any worse than bridal flip-flops. Silly me.
I don't trust the judgment of a man who thinks that the world needs more Kardashians. Even if it's just half a Kardashian. Nor do I place much stock in the ranting of a giant man baby. Kanye West is a douchebag.
What the actual fuck? Toffee Crisps are nothing like Reese's. Nothing. Hell hath no fury like a woman deprived of Toffee Crisps and Double Deckers. May the full brunt of monthly cycle chocolate cravings rain down on Hershey's like bloody hellfire.
I disagree. We do have that whole "age of reason" thing to consider in the U.S. In most states it's age 13 or 14. Of course, much depends on the individual and their level of maturity. She's 17 and obviously very immature, but I still wouldn't give her slightly more of a pass based on just her age.
So effed up. Why bother even writing a will these days? You go through the trouble and somebody will always claim a different interpretation or trump those that were bequeathed specific items by marriage or some other hooey.
That's exactly what I thought of when I read this! You can't get more sad than the Yates/Geldof/Hutchins trifecta though. What a mess.
Sounds like safety is a word that doesn't exist in this couple's dictionary.
Aww, thank you everyone! Oscar and Ducky are enjoying some fireplace time today before the next big snow storm. My husband is giving them belly rubs.
Thank you. These guys are my pride and joy. I don't think people understand how bad puppy mill life can be. Oscar came out so terrified of people that he soiled himself if you got too close to him. He wouldn't eat or drink until absolute desperation set in. He shook like a leaf all the time. I was on the verge…
Something tells me his parents are related. At the very least, his mother should have swallowed.
Dear Molly,
Saw them twice on the Odball Comedy Festival tour (i.e., Chapellegate) and they were adorable. Kristen Schall was also on that tour in 2013 and 2014. They're so great live.
I'm truly disappointed that somebody had Gwyneth Paltrow in a mile high situation and opted not to throw her from the plane afterwards. I am sorry to feel that way toward a fellow human being, but there it is.
I didn't think it was possible for somebody to have more than one set of jowls. It seems I was mistaken.
Devo's Whip It comes to mind.
Soooo, he's basically a hipster jiggalo. He sounds like a complete bore. I suppose it's a matter of taste and he's just not my flavor. I'm guessing it's something along the lines of really bad coffee and pencil shavings.
...but the only way Chucky Boy saw an abortion performed, and wasn't there as a participant, is if he was the father.