
“tides created by Saturn’s gravitational pull”

Write the software, and don’t screw up.

Fuck them in their jelly assholes!

“Sharks are kinda, like, my biggest fear so that’s, like, very daunting for me”

The sharks or the drones?

Okay, I’m glad to hear this, but I absolutely fucking cannot stand when people anthropomorphize probes like this. Yell me what it’s doing, and what you are learning from it. Don’t fucking tell me it’s saying shit like “I’m sleepy”, because I know it’s not. I don’t need to be condescended to in order to be interested

Actually what is coming is no cops willing to even go into these situations. Then you’ll see people crying for mama

> But then again, there’s nothing safe about Fury Road.

From the article:


Those footballers, always have to go around being so flashy.

In Venezuela they call them ‘cavies’.

So I did. I’ll never do that again. Never.

*Checks site URL*

Capaldi I’m actually fine with but Moffat has been writing the show into the ground with all his twists, or lame happenstance that he’s going to call twists, and then there is Coleman who has as much character depth as a shallow puddle. Shes got two modes, flirt and flirt and ask benign until its time to run, at which

... sigh. So much for that moment of joy when she was killed off.

The toy departments got together and decided that we don’t need another hero.