Last nights ep:
Last nights ep:
Now I'm totally confused about the smoke colors. The demons last night had red smoke, like Crowley. And the demon possessed nun possessed the future Abaddon to be with red smoke. But present day Abaddon has black smoke while Crowley's is red. This just can't be a mistake by the writers. There has to be some…
I wouldn't mind them going back to a season one format. Monster of the Week stuff. There must be an almost endless supply of urban legend/monster stuff they could do.
And notice how easy it is for him to lie to Sam again.
Crowley (in the tavern with Dean) when Dean told him he's looking for Abaddon:
His drinking went into high gear after Dick Roman killed Bobby in Season 7. Then he started drinking the hard liquor more and more. Last night he didn't even use a cup or a glass.
I agree. The show has done a great job on it. They don't shove it in viewers faces. They did the same with Bobby. Pretty much everyone knew Bobby was an alcoholic, but the show didn't go over the top about it.
Yup. He's crawling back in a booze bottle again. A depressed, perpetually angry drunk with the Mark of Cain. What could go wrong.
VERY good point. The "leftovers" Castiel tried to extract from Sam.
The more I think about the way Sam and Dean, especially Sam, treated Crowley in this ep, the angrier I get at them. Is Moose even aware that if it wasn't for Crowley, Gadreel would still be controlling him?
Sheldon quietly saying he's a full grown man as he goes to his room when ordered to was hilarious. So was his having the sex talk with his mom,,,and her reaction.
Because the reviewer said so. I don't get the logic either, but apparently his being attracted to females makes him a homosexual.
I was surprised how much older Sheldon's mom looked since the last episode she was in. When you see a character all the time, you don't notice the aging as much. But when a characters been absent for a few years, then you really notice the changes. And the ending was sad. Apparently in 20 years, except for Stuart,…
"Potential “Raj is gay” evidence: his future self is Madonna’s boy toy."
He was creepy.
Penny is ok. So is Amy. Bernadette is an obnoxious, screaming, screeching banshee. I feel sorry for Howard.
Mark Pellegrino has said he would like to reprise his role as Lucifer at some point. How could that happen if Lucifers in the Cage? Lets go back to the episode "the End" in 2009,,,five years ago. Zachariah sent Dean five years into the future, 2014, to see how things turned out. Right after Lucifer kills 2014 Dean, …
Garth introducing Dean - "This is Dean. He could start a fight in an empty house."
Dean saw Garths escape on the security camera, but told Sam the camera didn't show anything.
Well, Sam got his 5414 th crack to the head tonight. Whats his head made out of?