
This is the BBT I love. The show has been getting too much into the constant angst and violin playing. A comedy is supposed to be funny, not a violin playing drama.

They have nothing better to do than come in and trash a show they probably never watch, anyway.

There is nothing sweet about the Bernadette character. Nothing. She treats them all like crap, not just Howard. She is loathsome. I keep hoping Penny will 'go all Nebraska' on her, but she's terrified of Bernadette. Maybe Amy will do it. She doesn't seem to be as afraid of her as Penny is.

I still hate her.

She has been that way since day one. I've hated the Bernadette character from the first time she was on the show. She is nothing but a cruel, hateful, screaming, screeching banshee. In the season opener, Penny said she is genuinely afraid of Bernadette. And Penny doesn't scare easily. Bernadette is the type that would

Leonard usually plays the straight man on the show, but when the writers occasionally give him a more comedic role, he is hilarious. And, as usual, Bernadette is still a shrill, cruel witch.

At least Leonard didn't have another nervous breakdown, so he's improving.

I despise the Bernadette character more and more with every episode. She has no good qualities whatsoever. Just a screeching, wild eyed banshee.

When Metatron stabbed Dean, the expression on Dean's face when he
looked at Sam was one of the saddest few seconds I've ever seen on SPN.

All season long we could see how the partial demon curing had affected Crowley. He really wanted a brotherly relationship with Sam and Dean. And it really came through in his talk to Dean at the end. I can just picture them sitting on a hilltop howling at the moon.

Could be.

Crowley - "Your brother, bless his
soul is summoning me as I speak. Make a deal. Bring you back. It's
exactly what I was talking about wasn't it? It's all become so…
expected. You have to believe me, when I suggested you take on the Mark
of Cain I didn't know this was going to happen. Not really. I mean I
might not

So will Dean be 100% bad demon, or in between like Meg was before Crowley killed her?

The result didn't surprise me whatsoever. MoC and Blade vs Word of God? No contest.

Even with the MoC and the First Blade, it's no surprise the fight with Metatron was no contest whatsoever.


This episode isn't the first time Raj has gotten laid. He had sex in the first season in the episode 'The Middle-Earth Paradigm' (costume party) with a girl named Cheryl. She did all the talking and liked Raj because he was a good listener. He was actually the first one of the four guys to get laid.

The first 5 years of 'Cheers' should have been called 'The Diane Show.' I think the show was much better with her gone.

Yes, he was much better in the beginning.

Penny and Leonard may not be getting married right away, but it looks like they will be living together.