
Looks like Garth has retired from hunting, though.

I liked this ep, and I'm glad Garth wasn't killed off. When I first learned he had turned werewolf, I was afraid SPN would be killing off another likeable character. And here we go with Dean trying to lie to Sam again, this time about where Garth was. It seems Dean is incapable of learning. Or it's become such a habit

I get a kick out of it too when Garth shows up Sam and Dean. For instance they will arrive at a scene for a case and see Garth has beaten them to it and is already there.

First Born was SPN's most watched episode since October 15, 2010 according to bythenumbers. (the episode was Weekend At Bobby's) Season Fine is doing, well,,,Fine! :)

Think there was brother angst last episode? Just wait until Sam finds out
Dean has taken the Mark of Cain. Or will Dean start lying to Sam again
and not tell him? This was a fantastic episode, but after Dean's speech
in Road Trip about his always making bad decisions, what does he do in
this episode? He charges

That was a hilarious exchange.

Great episode, but what gives with Dean getting the Mark of Cain? Will it make him try to kill Sam? As always, Crowley was great! Worried about next weeks episode. It looks like another well liked character will be killed off because it looks like Garth has become a werewolf.

Crowley/Mark Sheppard owned this episode. I love next weeks pairings/teams,,,Dean/Crowley and Sam/Castiel. I think a bit of the human side of Crowley peeked through when he was in Sam's head to help Sam eject Gadreel. And I loved it when Crowley cold cocked Gadreel! And Castiel seemed a bit darker in this episode.