How is she the idiot when you can’t even figure out what website you’re on?
How is she the idiot when you can’t even figure out what website you’re on?
It appears you have been triggered. Would you like a blanket and some warm milk? Or perhaps you should turn off your computer for the rest of the evening? I’m sure everyone else would prefer that option.
lol calm down this is a politics website
what can i say, i’m consistent
it’s a joke, in reality, there are no good politicians
Ah yes, this is all just a cult of personality thing. It’s not like it’s really cool and noteworthy that a politician shouted out and then made a guest appearance on a prominent British LeftTuber’s charity stream and voiciferously defended trans rights the whole time. It’s not like a politician showing an interest in…
Hey everyone, found the incel!
You cared enough to reply to it...
Please don’t un-grey the sad little boy.
Nobody cares.
Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.
So you’re ok with gays getting married but you don’t give a shit about poor people. Got it.
The prevailing Democratic strategy does not work.
Why don’t you stick to Breitbart instead?
Not as long as he brings out the army of angry commenters, they won’t. That’s the hard part - if you want him gone you have to stop paying attention to him.
I’m glad my WW2 vet grandfather isn’t around to see a country where people say being anti-fascist is a bad thing.
They support Democratic Socialism which is based on the principles of a democracy. Like FDR and Teddy Roosevelt. Democratic Socialism is using a little money from everyone to provide services for everyone. This country already has many social constructs paid for with our tax dollars - the military, highways and…
I think a lot of young men grow up with the healthy notion that there are no such thing as leagues, and that people simply match up differently and this includes different tastes in physical appearance. But then one Sunday afternoon, they’re skipping channels on the TV and happen upon A League of Their Own. Unable to…