
The problem really comes down to the fact that aside from rules protecting star players (roughing the passer, horse-collar tackle, etc.), everyone knows that the NFL doesn’t have the will to keep enforcing rules that teams systematically break. Given the choice between not enforcing the rules, or throwing a bunch of

I’m not dismissing this reply, like the other truther assholes just so we can all laugh at this idiot. JoePa “hated” Sandusky so much that he allowed him to continue to use PSU facilities after he was forced into retirement. And anyone who thinks that a charity (even one that clearly brought in a fair amount as Second

It’s not about being loyal to a stranger, it’s contrarianism as performative intellectualism.

Like the 2014 Red Sox fans.

Once again, a soccer story that ends with no scoring.

There was this really good article at SBNation concerning the background of not just Ramsey situation, but the overall how the Jags managed their team over the past few years. And, to be honest, it was kind of staggering.

Uber says they’re not hiring the drivers. If they were hiring drivers, then they’d be a transportation company, which they deny. They argue that they’re an app that facilitates a transaction between drivers, who are independent contractors, and people needing rides.  The problem with that is that in a free market,

I think this goes back to the article Hazel wrote in June (properly located under this one, of course) about Lorne Michael as comedy kingmaker on SNL.

It truly, deeply saddens me that probably 80% of people who see this (the declining a raise and donation thing, not this post, specifically) will not think critically enough about it to come up with exactly this take, even though it’s right there and obvious before them.

Lauren Duca’s behavior at NYU is shameful but so is NYU’s hiring of Lauren Duca to teach a journalism class. Teaching is hard. Teaching a 3-hour college class is extremely hard. It takes practice and training. You can’t drag in a random working professional to teach their profession to college students. But

I disagree. Most of those “failed” because defenses came up with their own innovations/changes to combat them. You can’t come up with some new and then say, “OK no one is going to be able to combat this, let’s rest on our laurels!” And some of them are still working (hello Lamar Jackson) but have issues that aren’t

The anti-analytics streak in football (and previously in baseball, although that’s mostly been beaten to death in the majors) really is weird. I get coaches being conservative because it’s easier to notice someone screwing up than just going along with the groupthink, but you would think that owners, who probably all

Assholes love religion because it gives them a seemingly legitimate excuse to be assholes.

Wasn’t it also mentioned several times during his brief NFL stint that coaches had asked him to fill a role other than QB, and he repeatedly refused to do so? Because “God wants me to be an NFL quarterback” or some such idiocy?

That shit is selfish!

The fact that this sanctimonious blowhard is on TV bitching about this is rich given that he carefully cultivated and monetized his college image while being a terrible failure at everything else he’s tried to do professionally.

I don’t think I’ve ever been stupider than when I thought, “Instant Replay will make the game better.”

I don’t have NFL Network so I ended up watching Fury Road over on SyFy. After having seen the box score stats and read this article I can see that this was a much better use of my time.

“All I’m saying is, consider that MAYBE this woman drafted Josh Gordon in fantasy football...”

I swear to fucking god it’s a miracle the entire U.S. population doesn’t have whiplash from #PussyAssBitch’s wild, erratic reversals and hypocritical maneuvers. Why, I remember two whole days ago when #PussyAssBitch said this:

You have a very odd interpretation of “clearly defined”. Maybe if you go by the truncated version of the 2nd Amendment that the NRA likes to give as their creedo. However, as it is written, it’s not particularly clear.