
The deeper one reads into all of this, the more mindblowing it gets. So. Many. People. Involved. I’m really hoping that we get to read the unsealed Guiffre lawsuit soon. Shit is about to get absolutely fucking crazy. 

After two long college years of fake IDs, altering real IDs, and passing back IDs with pictures of young men who were clearly not me, I went out to get my first legal drink the day I turned 21.

I worked at a chain restaurant when I was in high school. Company policy was to card under 40. One of our best servers got fired for not carding a guy with salt and pepper hair who was a secret shopper from corporate. I can get why a bartender would be careful. 

I’m going to say the same thing I say when something the players want is brought up. This is a negotiation and if the owners want an international draft that will reduce their costs, they need to give something up. Like the Qualified Offer, or change the way Service Time works to prevent manipulation and increase the

The owners are dickheads but it doesn’t matter. A decent half or so of fans will side with billionaires over labor every goddamn time. It doesn’t matter if they are using the “they are millionaires” argument or “I’d play the game for free” or any of the other dozens of bullshit arguments that they enjoy trotting out

If you let college football players have more agency and self-determination over where they play, next thing you know they’ll start jumping from one school to the next when a better opportunity becomes available with absolutely no loyalty to a school, and we can’t have that. What do we think these players are,

Watching reports on the Mueller testimony....I’m reminded that through history, every super power eventually declines. In the past that might have taken literally hundreds of years, now, its just speeding up. We’ve been a super power...not even a hundred years?  and it looks like our time is up. Grab your favorite

You know, my cynicism has won. After today I believe our country is well and truly fucked, and maybe We the People deserve the horrendous future we’ve ensured for the nation. Collectively, the people who run the country are as corrupt and inept as any collection of corrupt, inept dolts in history.

Not to be pedantic, but its a caveat in how La Liga handles release clauses. A club doesn’t actually pay the release clause, the player does. This may seem like semantics, but it is an important distinction, especially in this case. If Griezmann triggered his release clause on or after July 1, it shouldn’t matter if he

I’m not a lawyer, but I did stay at a Holiday inn. I believe part of the answer is, because it’s criminal charges at the federal level. Jones vs Clinton was allowed to proceed, and that was a civil action.

Well also if he feels that he might actually get arrested he and the Republicans are going to refuse to give up the presidency if he loses the election. We can argue about whether they’d succeed in that but I don’t want to think about what will go down in the meantime while the media calls it a “constitutional crisis”

Yeah, every time someone rushes to say we need to overturn this memo, I’m left wondering, how would Republicans have weaponized the ability to indict a sitting President against Obama? Because you know they would have if they could have, even if it was utterly without merit, just for political reasons. Can you imagine

Yes and no. The intent of the policy (and it's policy, not law) was to prevent frivolous lawsuits against the president that would distract or prevent him from fulfilling his duties. I believe some of the thought was, if the president was committing crimes, he'd be impeached, then could be charged. I don't know that

Both men and women were at higher risk for domestic homicide when firearm ownership increased”

I would add that it only seems disproportionate because a) people like Kavanaugh, as it turns out, could be credibly accused of doing much worse, while at the same time, b) Kavanaugh wasn’t punished for those accusations . . . because their Republican colleagues decided not too, and because Democrats themselves

Agreed. Yet again, to explain the situation with Franken, all we have to do is go back to Ta-Nehisi Coates’ article “Fear of a Black President”:

I only clap for the troops

No one’s saying they don’t have the right to dump Le Batard for denouncing racism.

The award for Quebec’s worst lawyer goes to . . .

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