
I find it interesting that you’re searching so hard for ways to victim blame. It’s clear that you have class resentments that are coloring the way you read this story and on some level you believe the Krims (no need for the apostrophe, pro tip) deserved what they got.

My thoughts exactly. She was trying so hard to keep up, but it was just a lot of hair flipping. Leslie held the center.

Lol. A public argument on public message boards is very fair game. Are you new to the internets?

Sure, Jan.

Also...both she and Rodriguez kinda suck for having an affair that led to the breakup of his marriage. Yeah, he’s more guilty than she is, but I’m not one of those “she wasn’t the one who was married” apologists. She knew there was a wife and kids in the equation.

You won this one, fyi.

That’s a pretty sad way to try to win an argument.

I am very grateful to be an American woman and not a French woman. I think we’re less burdened by sexual double standards and the pressure to be the ornamental sex, even if we have shitty maternity leave laws and lack public health care and don’t have quite as much good cheese to eat.

Don’t use “twat” to insult someone. Don’t use “dick,” either. Asshole makes more sense because that’s where the shit comes out.


He said that he wrote it off as Harry being a stereotypical womanizer. I think the term he used was he saw the behavior as more of “the boss chasing the secretary around the desk,” than assault, and he now realizes how sick that was. But I am not interested in raking him over the coals on this. I think this is a

I told you Bourdain was a bullying blowhard.

It definitely sounds like bedside manner and communication were egregious here, but c-sections are not life-threatening to the vast majority of women and at the point of delivery, there are two lives to consider. Mother first, yes, but if the answer to “Will mom die from this?” is no, but the baby is at risk of dying,

Because it’s not that simple at that stage of pregnancy. Two lives=more complicated.

If you want to have a good laugh, talk to a labor and delivery nurse who works with affluent patients who show up with cross-referenced “birth plans.”


But at that state of pregnancy, there are two lives to consider. Different from a pregnancy at 15 weeks.

The academic establishment has a history of being awful when it comes to discriminating against POC and handling sexual assault cases. So I guess we should just assume that every administrator and professor is out to oppress and objectify all women and POC.


You might feel differently if you were nine months pregnant with a baby you desperately wanted and the alternative was to go home to an empty nursery and lactating breasts with no one to feed. Speaking from experience. This is all theoretical for you, but a dead child is a very real tragedy.