Dude said he was fat
Dude said he was fat
Here here! Like “used to” vs “use to”.
9. Hear an opinion or worldview different from your own, and actually listen to it without interrupting or losing your damn mind.
“I want to stress one thing: these guys aren’t motorcyclists, they’re assholes on motorcycles. And there’s absolutely a difference.”
You can only get an Italian to shut up by handcuffing him.
“If your date seems openly immature or oblivious to major social norms on your first few dates, it will likely only get worse as they get more comfortable with you.”
The Grand Slam of Curling Masters finals are today as well too, and they have solid teams going up against each other. Homan/Sweeting are two of the best (if not the best) women’s teams in the world.
Thieves are the worst.
Thieves are the worst.
I only starred your comment because it was so fucking ridiculous.
It’s really about ethics in functioning game systems.
All it’s missing is the “lol we had this four years ago” Android comments.
If this is what Gizmodo is like, I'm missing out.
Back in 2001 I worked at Bath and Body Works at Lenox Mall in Atlanta, GA when Whitney and Bobby came in. Whitney bought over $600 of candles and lotions. Bobby picked out one thing - a fishbowl full of small orange goldfish shaped glycerine soaps. He wanted every single one we had for his daughter. I can’t stop…
When my baby began to die during my labor, within seven minutes of the fetal monitor indicating her distress, he had me stretched out on an operating table and delivered of a healthy newborn. Still, my friends kept talking about their beautiful experiences in birthing centers, in pools in their own living rooms, the…
Why would you wear cargo shorts anywhere, let alone to a golf course?
Well, Georgia’s a great place to leave.