
That’s a fucked up way of thinking. Eating anything can turn you fat, just depends how much and how often you eat it. Alternatively just get a salad or something.

I understand what you’re saying. However, not everyone wants to be tied up on a computer.

Both my wife and I are gamers, we have tens of thousands of hours spent gaming. But we don’t just limit ourselves to the PCs we own. We own 2 XBOX Ones, 1 PS4, 1 XBOX 360, 2 PS3, 2 PS2s, 1 PS1, an SNES, a NES, a Atari 2600, as

I understand what you’re saying. However, not everyone wants to be tied up on a computer.

Both my wife and I are

John Oliver is a joke. Things purposely taken out of context to try to make people think he is right. As well as ignoring things he disagrees with that have actual substance. I bet he didn’t even touch the security issues in the EU in that video.

I don’t understand why anyone is surprised or upset that Nintendo took down the YouTube video. Both Joseph and Jakubowski were actively trying to hide the glitch from the general public while attempting to notify Nintendo about it. So what the hell else should Nintendo have done? Also, they very clearly thanked

It really didn’t.

They also said there’s no limitation besides the dev/pub allowing it.

It’s only scary if you’re doing something wrong. I’ve played a LOT of titles under embargo and NDA and my Xbox One works just fucking fine. Why? Because I didn’t break the terms of the NDA in order to try to make myself famous.


“I didn’t make anything up. I’m just speculating.“

so you’re the kind of guy who complains about free things, eh?

Well this sucks. Callahan hasn’t shown up much on the scoresheet yet, but he’s gotten into the corners and has generated pressure all postseason long. Plus, he doesn’t put up with PK Subban’s bullshit. I felt it was only a matter of time before he found the back of the net, but now all I can hope for is that the team

I’m not a Lightning fan but I’ve really enjoyed watching them during these playoffs. I’ll be rooting for them to win it all.

such is the power of the master race.

The Lightning stole this game... but the Red Wings stole Game 1 equally, if not worse (shots were 46-14)

Personally I think it’s worth it. SO was my GOTY for 2014. It takes a few hours to get accustomed to the mechanics and to unlock new moves, but once it clicks, the game is extremely satisfying to play. Just MOVING in this game is a pure joy; one of the very few titles that I can load up, do virtually nothing, and

When you guys posted about the Helldiver's bug the other day, I missed the part about it being yet another PlayStationPlayStation indy game with bugs. Your headline is click bait and you know it.

What a great game this was. Some of the most fun I've had in recent years was playing this. I have yet to download any dlc although I should seeing as I have the season pass.

This game is so damn good.

As it turns out, creating stuff actually is exciting. Being able to share the fruits of your labor with people honestly gets your blood pumping. I remember getting up really early the day we first announced Borderlands 2 so that I could tweet, with great pride, "I'm writing for this game." That single sentence was

Kotaku really has something against AC Unity. I loved the game and thought it was the best game since AC 2. Didn't have a fraction of the problems mentioned in the original review (was playing on Xbox One around patch 2). Loved the story, the characters, and Paris overall. I really hope people didn't let their review

Kotaku really has something against AC Unity. I loved the game and thought it was the best game since AC 2. Didn't