
It's already been done. Look up Rachel Steele if you dare..

If by spin-off you mean Mrs S - Carlton sex tape, then yes yes yes please!

I really want Helena to make out with Donnie… then Helena and Alison are just like "whatever".

Tasneem has a "fuck you over in a heartbeat and not lose a second of sleep" coldness to her.

I'm pretty sure I'm being tricked cause of Lucy Liu's immaculate 46, but I was quite shocked to find Tracy Letts and Laila Robins are 49, and 55, respectively.

Who wrote this? I enjoyed it immensely.

I should add. Where the bad guys win, but also you can sympathize with them and just make America look like complete shit. I would enjoy that very much… like in Homeland they gave Abu Nazir and new bad guy some good lines, but often it just goes back to be shaking my head at the dialogue, which is probably

I was high as a motherfucker during that episode. And that part tripped me out so bad… like i think I just sat there for the rest of the episode. And I was also really turned on… not from that guy, but from her voice, so that guy popping out and Randy shoving him back "in" made my cock (no magic) very very confused.

I'm convinced Dana is Lorde.

Are there any shows/movies where the 'bad guys' actually win… I feel like this episode would have been even better if martha's husband didn't let the biggest secret out… BY the way. She is gorgeous. absolutely gorgeous. I'd do all this shady spy double agent shit just to get with her.

"…Transparency, teamwork — and there was another "T". I forget what the fuck it was."

WOOOOOOOOOOO! Rips shirt off, French kisses madam ambassador, grabs crotch and emphatically and triumphantly proclaimss "negotiate DEEZ NUTS". fast forward to him snorting coke off a harem of gorgeous Middle Eastern whores in some techno-music driven place still wearing his nifty spectacles.

BBBW big beautiful black woman

JESUS FUCK. After I watched that "reveal" if you wanna call it that… it was like holy fuck this makes sense, I should have saw it coming, but it was just so well done, it didn't matter. I was thinking of ways that Homeland could spin Brody being alive, and couldn't think of any so…………… Carrie going into the fucking

a.a. yan

I felt like he didn't want to kill his nephew, Aayan, but pretty much had to. The gesture of gratitude for the medicines seemed genuine. Business as usual. Plus, Haqqani strikes me as a Biggie fan, and rule #7 "Keep your family and business completely separated".

Dibs on Kiran..

What if he tries to rape the ISI lady for America in a triple agent plot

Any episode with Max is at least a B-

I'm shipping them.