
………………………………….. I knew I seen him before too. I settled on that he was Wiz Khalifa. I was wrong.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This convo is getting a bit steamy.

Now, begs the question, what is "mentally sound"?

I call it a prank! Haha, you didn't fuck your wife! You fucked me, who looks just like your wife. Jokes on you!!!

Might be a little crude, but "Fuckboy Morguey" has a nice ring to it, no? Like a gay rapper, who's totally cool with his stereotype.

Any good man would… any good man would.

Maybe eating a vanila-chocolate swirl, and getting some on her nose, that Felix wipes off!?

Kevin Spacey 'American Beauty" smile-double

F: Helena
M: Helena
K: Helena

I laughed nervously at this… heh.

Incestual masturbation?

while were nitpicking… there is a typo when you meant to spell "nothing", but did not

Gracie is one of my favorite characters. I must not be watching enough television or movies cause I like A LOT of people on this show that I don't recognize from anything.

I swear to god I had a dream that Rachel would have an eye patch… or I'm remembering something eerily similar that I can't put my finger on

Good man.

Can Canada get some love please?

Well, am I alone in thinking this?

Yeah, I get the feeling with Paul and Mrs. S… Cal seems to have a more, let's call it "measured" approach as opposed to Paul. Both are ridiculously handsome, but Cal's more my type, so yeahh.

Mrs. S would turn them back to boys.