
Are we sure that’s a dummy behind the wheel? Has any of Elon’s enemies disappeared lately?

even weirder than this video - at a local Salvation Army store a couple of weeks ago I saw an audio album (vinyl recording) of Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney. Seriously, it was a record - an audio recording - of a ventriliquist and his dummy. The cover had a picture of the two of them sitting in the woods. Don’t let

I don’t begrudge these women their success. They used their talents and got their name out there. I may disagree with them but I think they’re funny and talented and deserve whatever success they can attain.

You can sense the love and respect that Telsa showed these batteries instead of their female employees.

I think the better question is why do we keep on letting idiots into the federal government.

at first i was sure that it was a very glossy bill murray, until i realized its actually tom hanks with white paint on him.

Now that’s one movie that I didn’t think would be relevant in 2016, but here we are.

So the hacker used his own.

So, does this mean The Force Awakens is just a dream-sequence?

that’s not how a VPN works ;-)

Most of these have a very Reysonable price.

This is good, but not great, it’s like Polar Express, not real enough but not fake enough, it’s that uncomfortable uncanny valley. While yes, objectively the tech is nearly there, we’d need to see a picture of her younger to compare. It’s that damn skin again, we haven’t mastered it, it’s too rubbery here like flesh

It’s not about clicking. It’s about that picture being on the front page. Scroll down, accidentally come across it, and get fired or brought in for a sexual conduct seminar.

IBM’s computer thinks in chocolate and vanilla. Sometimes what it knows is chocolate, sometimes it’s vanilla, sometimes it’s a swirl. Sometimes, though, the swirl melts; then you have to decide if there was more chocolate or more vanilla in that puddle. IBM just hired a fat kid that can tell the difference.