
I like Nerfnow’s other comic a little more.

Seriously, fuck Konami

I fined the argument that women just play things like CC a bit bonkers. I know far to many personally who play “real” games far to often, some of which are a fair bit more “hardcore” about them than I am. and then there is a fair share I have seen in community such as modding and Conventions. there may not be as many

Bahahaha, your reply made the assumptions go rampant. Gotta love Kotaku!

As for everyone in here; yes, that study is bullshit. Or at least, the way they outputted it, since the actual document (yes, I actually read it) doesn’t state anything beyond the percentage split. No numbers on age ranges, no number on what kind

That’s just the thing, though. Most any protest I’ve seen over gender equality issues in gaming tends to boil down to one side wanting to force having more women representing them while the other wants to leave it well enough alone. It gets treated as this big black and white issue when it’s really not; there’s a lot


52%to 48% Men/women... that’s a pretty even split. Maybe there aren’t a lot of women in the industry compared to men, but it’s unfair to assume that gaming is still a “Man’s world”

The code shows up in your “played courses” section. Just go back through that and find it.

You are indeed correct. Everything’s you play in 100 marios shows up in your played courses. Even if you skip them because they are shitty troll levels that you skip in the first two seconds because you can tell they are shit and trolly.

I think you might be able to go into your played courses and find it even if you didn’t star or beat the course. Haven’t played in a while so I’m not sure.

I hope so. It was so pretty.

This is legimately the best news I have heard in ages.


I think this gif says it all.

So, you’d want to erase the continuity of Star Wars by switching Han Solo’s ethnicity just to get under the skin of people who aren’t the franchise’s natural constituency? M’kay...

BAT/MAN: the uplifting story of how young Bruce Wayne overcame the grief of his parents death through therapy and founded the Gotham City Batmen professional baseball team and, against all odds, beat their crosstown rivals, the Jokers, in the World Series.

Of course not. It was too good and made the movies look terrible by comparison. At the time, though, it was not disowned. Especially considering the end of the series literally sets up the opening of Sith with the kidnapping of the Emperor and the crushing of Grievous.

I recently gave a friend the Machete Order to watch (he had never seen any of the movies...I know, I know), and I made sure to include the Clone Wars 2003 cartoon, as it explains so much and leads directly into Episode III with Grievous’s attack on Coruscant.

BTW, I am highly amused that people in the comments to your