
Where’s my Kotaku fish????

City of Heros shut down.

Losers: “haha penis stage”

Me, a man of taste: 

I think you're waiting for Nintendo Lab-ia.

At least SOME part of DC is trying to keep the Milestone brand alive.  The comic book portion certainly isn’t.

That is unquestionably Hardware. I nearly squeed when I first saw the picture. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the Blood Syndicate or Shadow Cabinet were to appear.

An article concocted to attack one of our writers and our publication as a whole several years ago continues to make

Don't you know that Nintendo just freezes him until they're ready for another Smash game? Why do you think he hasn't aged?

Guys if you’ve been waiting for the resurrection of F-ZERO... well that’s prob never gonna happen :(... BUT if your willing to settle for something just like it FAST RACING NEO is the next best thing! It just came out yesterday, only on WiiU and as practically a F-Zero clone it is LEGIT! Pick it up if you haven’t yet!

Furries The Movie.

Thank God for Blast Processing, though.

I remember playing Half-Life 3 in 2016... people were mad that it only ran on Windows 98.

can we refer to any time a game company fucks up really badly, as pulling a Konami?

You REALLY hate him, huh? That’s an awful lot to write about for something not targeted at you.