His kid isn’t even a year and a half old. Maybe it’s just me but that seems a bit early for them to be watching much TV anyway. Besides, there’s plenty of other stuff on PBS.
You REALLY hate him, huh? That’s an awful lot to write about for something not targeted at you.
In America corporations ARE people!
C’mon! Seriously you wimps - FIGHT ME!
Yep that’s me, fat and lazy.
I employ about 20 elves nowadays, toy companies handle the vast majority of my job. Only a small percentage of gifts are actually from me now.
They get almost all of the cookies and treats left out for me. Elf society has no need for money - we have magic.
I suppose you’ll have to wait and see...
Free labor > Paid labor.
Shhh don’t tell anyone.
I like yours.
I like yours.
Aw thanks!
I approve!
I can’t help but think of Master Roshi when I watch this...