
Your link doesn't even go to an image.

the title contains 3 letters T ...

It crap like this statement that makes it tough for conservatives to get anything done. I’m a conservative, and I think it is outrageous to even think that you would shut down a specific religious institution because a fringe group is crazy. I’m also a Christian. There is law abiding in all groups. There is crazy in

good riddance to you

Holy shit, Fast Racing Neo looks to be the F-Zero game Nintendo refuses to give us!!

Why couldn’t they just give Fast Racing Neo the F-Zero license?

The fallout for this post is going to be hilarious.

Maaaan, I dislike 60 fps. It looks so fake.

You know what companies should really be working on? Dual-monitor split screen. If I could “split screen” an Assassin’s Creed game with a friend while playing at 30 fps at 720p resolution, I’d be a happy puppy.

i’m not sure that the important reminders are inough... 3 is so few

seems fair - there are many, many statues honoring much more stupid, worthless things.


That’s a pretty low ceiling for quality there.

Tim Horton