
I approve!

I can’t help but think of Master Roshi when I watch this...

Kinja Ninja!

Yes, and I live here.

Can people please learn to only cheat against the AI? Is that really too much to ask?

Oooo shiny.

I love your username.

Alright, but this apparent orgy on a cube in the header... What is it?

Welcome to Dragonball I guess :/ GT was better than S at this point.

Yeah I think I’m going to wait until they finish up with golden frieza to get back into it. I too expect it’ll get better then.

DBS has been such a let down so far. I haven’t watched in a few weeks, though I doubt that’s changed.

I wonder if it’s related to Geninja’s new form in XYZ?

Yes, because I’m crazy.

Now I feel less bad about finally maxing out a character in Disgaea 3. Only slightly less though.

This looks an awful lot like a MAD Magazine parody. Who’s the artist?

Fortunately I’d already seen this, but for those who haven’t this review makes watching it kinda pointless, since you spoiled the entire plot. Perhaps it would be better to rename these sorts of reviews as an analysis or something similar. Or maybe just cut back on the spoilers.

I decided to just use an extension and change it back.