
looking more and more like Pokemon Type Wild...


I did. It seems like there are a lot of incomplete thoughts. And I hope this doesn’t seem rude, but is English not your primary language?

wut. This post was very confusing.

Which is exactly why he didn’t attend.

Maybe he just had a REALLY bad hair day.

Mobile internet.

Oops I thought it was yesterday. I ate two cloves.


Trolls suck.


He seems ever so slightly less annoying than his dad.

I love game manuals. I found pretty often there were tips or hints to help you use moves more effectively. More than once I’ve had people ask me “how’d you do that?” The answer is to read the manual , of course.

Actually some knives are illegal in VA. There used to be more, but I believe they changed it recently and even considered lifting the ban on shuriken.

...everything on kinja?

I gave it meh mostly because I’m not a Game of Thrones fan.

Stupid Kinja

I think america needs to step up its game...

I'd play that...