
According to the map the ocean and Canada are very loud. That's what all that white means right? Also is there a source with a higher resolution?

It's been hinted at repeatedly.

Pft this barely even registers.

There's also Kotaku's sub-blog of a sub-blog AniTAY if you're interested in sometimes disturbingly deep discussion of anime.

That thing is terrifying. Even without guns, spinning blades, or a pointy stick.

That seems somehow low... Which is crazy of course.

How many anime were there last year? Were all of them up for vote?

Impending sense of doom. Like always. We're talking about Nintendo here.

That's why I don't use shampoo. All those chemicals.

Many countries use coins for denominations that small.

Also we have an IRC channel. Check the Open Forum for a link to get started. It's too quiet today.


Now I need a Reese's peanut butter cup.

Nope. That says Final Fantasy. It's impossible for it to say anything else.

Nah, I'll just stop using the internet today.

Ok so you just had an issue with how I worded it. That's kind of annoying.

Because they are less lethal. Banning them serves no purpose if deadlier things are legal. For instance, in Virginia throwing knives are perfectly legal. A good throwing knife is both easier to use and likely to inflict more harm than a shuriken. Nunchucks are also illegal, but swords - those are perfectly fine.

As long as you've got a permit. Those won't help you if you're caught with a shuriken tho.