Attack It! (fka SVVIP)

hi love the kpop coverage :)

On the TTC:

He also developed the MOSAIC threat assessment system, which runs a website where you can plug in information on a person who you may be concerned will escalate to violence (ex-spouse, stalker, etc) and generate a free report to give to law enforcement so hopefully they take the shit seriously.  I’ve used it and

Gavin de Becker’s book Protecting the Gift was eye opening, too, and greatly influenced how I raised my (now young adult) child. For example, instead of telling your kids to avoid strangers (a la “stranger danger” mentality), he recommends that you teach your kids TO talk with strangers, beginning in controlled

This flippant tone seems really inappropriate when covering a horrendous invasion of privacy. Revenge porn is a form of sexual assault. This is not a “dick measuring contest” between two men, it’s one man revealing threats of sexual assault made against him by another. I get that Bezos is not a pleasant person, but I

I was lucky enough to be believed by my mom when I told her my stepfather was molesting me and we left the next morning when he went to work. This poor girl, the betrayal of not having your own mother not believe you and put you in further harms way. I hope she gets the therapy and support she needs with trustworthy

She had the courage to speak out and ask for help. And was further abused. Fuck everything. Fuck everyone who failed her. Fuckkkkk. 

Fuck everyone in this story except for the girl and the police who found her. I hope all of these terrible adults get exactly what they deserve. 

It’s amazing to me that adults are often treated with less agency than kids.

Soulja Boy, real name DeAndre Cortez Way, came outside and, Kayla alleges, punched her, kicked her to the ground, tied her to a chair using an extension chord in his garage and left her there for six hours.

His manager told TMZ, “[He] always calls me if there’s any problem, and he did not call.”

If you can’t parse what she’s saying but the rest of us can, doesn’t that make you the idiot?

Shelter Cat Update!

Then you would enjoy the novel “The Late Mattia Pascal” by Luigi Pirandello. It’s one of my favorite books. 

Fuck Terfs

Prolly too much to ask of this blog, but if you’re going to report on this (report = repost/summarize and discuss a report), why not acknowledge the distinctness or complexity of anti-trans harassment by radical feminists (vs. by bog-standard trans-and-homophobic cis/hetero people)? You describe the incident, then

I was interested in reading a think piece about the choices associated with cosmetic surgery, the pressure to be “perfect” while also being “natural.” A discussion about the taboos and “hush hush”of plastic surgery coinciding with a dramatic increase in botox, fillers, etc. by lay people.

He is dead. He is at rest. Nobody’s making his corpse do anything.

There are a lot of men who jump into conversations about women being sexually assaulted with the loud proclamation that MEN GET SEXUALLY ASSAULTED TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!11