Attack It! (fka SVVIP)

Please stop defending him in any way shape or form. There are no mitigating circumstances with child molestation. He was a scumbag predator whose deeds rest solely on his own shoulders. Of course he had help-but no one was forcing him to destroy these boys’ lives.

Is is absolutely the most gorgeous thing!!!!!

I was so startled that I blurted out my next major life goal, “I’m going to Hawaii. You?” (I was an extremely awkward teen.) (But she was an extremely awkward senior. So.)

I worked at a huge furniture company with a team of about 12 receptionists. There were a few older ladies and one had never been married and was already in her 50's so we knew she was never going to have children but she got an adorable white shitzu puppy. We decided to throw her a surprise puppy shower. Everything

“Poverty doesn’t just take your money, it eats your TIME. Everything’s always breaking. Especially cars. It can destroy any ability to make & keep plans, including the ones that make your life better.”

Women. Talking to each other. About men.

I would love a gender-reveal lasagna that is red. The baby’s gender could be something like “crack the seventh seal and unloose the sea of blood upon the world.”

Oof, I don’t even plan on having kids and this makes me mad. Not even just at Russell Brand in particular, but at the many, many well-meaning...sort of...dads who adhere to this line of thinking.

Thats fucked up. Russell Brand hasn’t even had a job in like 5 years. When my dad lost his job and my mom went to work, guess what he did? he stepped the fuck up. He became Mr.Mom, its like that old saying “you don’t work you don’t eat” he knew he wasn’t going to provide monetarily so he cooked the meals, sewed the

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

This is shaping up to be a wonderful series cast, but I’m slightly worried that Gillian Anderson as Thatcher will temper my antipathy toward the Iron Lady. I’d rather not be the slightest bit fond of Thatcher, even if obliquely so.

[Citation needed]

Ants, live, a whole left over sodas' worth. I was about 13. So much shrieking and vomiting ensued. 100s of ants... And it was more the sensensation of the live ants desperately trying to climb out of my through and mouth that kept my gag reflex active for hours days weeks...

This is incredibly useful background info. It doesn’t make me ok with what happened to this woman, but clearer with the context. 

I’m sorry, but until you recognize, publicly, that ogres were eating children for YEARS before witches and warlocks ever did, I can’t view this as anything other than cultural appropriation.

As a scientist? I really have to hand it to you that you went on this deep-dive into this topic. This is pretty much what I’d have expected, if a journalist tried to find an answer to a controversial scientific question, and yet you didn’t try to streamline all this insanity or cut it down. You let it be long and

I can vouch for Fanny Hill, with its rollicking eighteenth-century sensibility, being a much better read than the later but better-known My Secret Life (1888), written by “Walter”. Walter is a jerk, but the book (I have a condensed modern printing) does provide some insight into the seamy underbelly of Victorian

Having watched someone pass away from multiple organ failure due to T.S.S., any piece written calling attention to anything that can be done to help prevent or shine a light on warning signs, I’m eternally grateful for. Educated information versus some celebrity with her “magic vagina rock” gives some meaning to her

I got one a year ago, and it was a link to a porn video accompanied by “thought you’d like this.” I asked why and he replied, “it reminds me of u.” I hadn’t heard from this guy in over 6 months and I haven’t slept with him since 2012.

I wish there was a condition that stopped me from being able to read men’s comments on mainstream news websites.