Attack It! (fka SVVIP)

I’m mad that it’s the PTSD that convinced them she was afraid for her life and not the beating, choking, pouring hot sauce in her eyes, and cutting her with a goddamn KNIFE. Do we have to be dead to get to be afraid for our lives?????!!!! (Obviously rhetorical question)

I started a new job a year ago and have realized that in my new office, there is really no such thing as a sick day - there are only “work from home because they aren’t feeling well” days. It’s like everyone is fighting to make sure everyone else knows “but I’ll be on email all day!”

Because they had access? What? You want to test every male that has been there? The most likely suspect is a worker. Not a patient. And why are you being so protective of a criminal?

lol - nice! In my college days I had a pixie cut, because I just couldn’t be bothered to do my hair. I had two semi-serious relationships back then and both guys would always whine about my hair. Or drop not-so-subtle hints that they liked long hair. 

I am short, grey-haired, and about to turn 54. I am therefore completely invisible. Even the weirdos and the drunks ignore me now because there’s no mileage in trying to score a cheap laugh by trying to scare a woman over 50: apparently I’m scarier than they are, just by dint of date of birth.

That dress is hilarious.  I once went as a slutty tampon for Halloween, and it’s still my favorite costume ever.

Well, Kevin.

Are we all really taking the stance that unsolicited kissing/fondling of the breasts without prior consent would be okay if she was a confirmed adult? Because I’m over 40, and will punch you in the fucking face—if not lower.

1.Gender is a social construct.


you’re likely going to stay in, order dinner and binge on Netflix until you wake up in a new year, almost certainly asleep before midnight. Alone. That sounds sad. You were in until the “alone” bit, right?

I love a good Feminism Conversion story.

I often think about that one girl who when guys would text her “You are beautiful” she stopped demurring and would respond with “Yes, I know.” And the responses she would get would be amazing, in fact, down right hostile. Patriarchy doesn’t want women to be confident in any sort of arena—men make the rules, and the

This  woman is a hero … and a far better person than I am, no doubt about that.


Hi Jezzies,

Yuck. :/

So hold on, a girl who is trafficked and preyed upon, forced in prostitution, kills a man who picks her up, is given over 50 years, but a grown ass man killing his girlfriend, pouring bleach on her, and not calling 911 until she’s definitely dead only gets 3 years? Yeah, I can definitely see how he’s more capable of

“The anxiety of finding a new doctor who won’t blame my weight for every ache and complaint, a recipe for missing some vital diagnosis before it’s too late.”

Vicar of Dibley is worth a watch. Dawn French (a gem) doesn’t shy away from her size but the show always gives me warm feelings. She is not the butt of all jokes, the story centers on more than her insecurities, and it shows how much richness you can bring to character when you stop fixating fixating on weight loss...A