I have a tee that used to be Alice coopers. My friend went to school with his daughter, mentioned I was a fan, and I became the recipient of a russian concert tee, from his personal collection. Made me so happy. Still wear the shit out of that tee.
I have a tee that used to be Alice coopers. My friend went to school with his daughter, mentioned I was a fan, and I became the recipient of a russian concert tee, from his personal collection. Made me so happy. Still wear the shit out of that tee.
I’ve probably shared this before, but it bears repeating because I have no guile and never have.
I’ve long been concerned that my bra will automatically become exposed should I encounter Alexander Skarsgard.
One day when I was hiking with my baby (my dog), I stopped at an overlook to take a rest, give her some water, etc. This guy was running right behind me and also came up onto the overlook, and I had a moment of panic as we were the only ones I could see on the trail and we were in a very isolated spot (it was the…
One of my stories was about meeting Alice Cooper too! He is SO nice and very funny. I can confirm he is wicked tiny. He does so much incredible work for children’s charities which I find to be completely awesome because of his bat eating prince of darkness ‘persona’.
Damn, I keep remembering more that I left off my list.
While flying up to the Women’s March in 2017 my flight connection ended up changing from Cincinnati to Atlanta. No big deal, nearly every flight I take on Delta is Tampa to Atlanta before getting anywhere else. I was going up on Thursday to spend time staying with friends.
I may be totally doxxing myself because everyone has heard all my stories, but:
Speaking of big heads; while working as an extra on a low-budget movie years ago, I met the actor Toby Stephens (from Lost In Space on Netflix and I think he was a James Bond villain, too).
My husband & I went out for tacos and our very little baby puked all over. It was the first and only time he ever puked copiously. We were both shocked and dumbstruck and didn’t know what to do. Chris Cornell was sitting next to us with friends and just smiled at us because we were both like, “oh god this is so…
I got in an elevator with 50Cent and he asked me if I had a case of the Monday’s.
I get on an elevator, look down to avoid stepping on toes or bags. A woman is wearing shoes where the points are cat faces.
Actually a friend of mine saw him at the same place, and she said Hi enthusiastically with a little wave, because she thought: hey I know this guy. She then realised her mistake, but he laughed and waved back. So maybe he’s just always really cool!
When I was in college, I went to church with Andie McDowell. I got to hold her baby once when she was making her coffee. She is exactly that georgous in real life, very since and also a person who will say yes to any charity fundraiser you ask her to do.
Many years ago near Union Square, I saw a very familiar looking woman who I was certain was a girl I’d met in one of my college lecture classes. It’d been almost a year since we’d last seen each other, so I darted right up, arms out ready to hug her and exclaimed, “Hey!” In that split second, she kinda scrunched up…
My roommate and I were doing our usual tradition of smoking a blunt, grabbing a bacon egg and cheese, and sneaking it into the Lincoln Square AMC theater. We’re stoned AF, giggling about something in line, when the guy in front of me turns around halfway and I notice it’s FUCKING MARK RUFFALO. I promptly exclaim,…
I have a Harvey Keitel story too! I had brunch with a friend at a place in Tribeca when we saw Harvey sitting at the table next to us. We weren’t cool about it at all - in fact, we had just seen Smoke and Blue in the Face the night before, so we were giggling ‘It’s Augie, it’s Augie’. He totally heard and gave us a…
I was walking home from work and saw Harvey Keitel hanging out in front of a toy store on West Broadway. I couldn’t work up the nerve to even say “Good evening, Mr. Keitel - love your work!” The second I turned the corner, I told two random strangers that “HARVEY KEITEL IS RIGHT THERE!!!!” They were in their early 20s…
Met Ben Affleck and Matt Damon in a hotel bar in East Africa. I must say...I wasn’t impressed.