It makes it sound like:
It makes it sound like:
Of course. Why would someone that I admired (past tense) immensely because of her kick ass, revolutionary character understand the need for accountability when it comes to these predators, especially when they 100% got away with it, when she can be ignorant and make the world look even worse still? No reason in this…
TL;DR “You’ve gotta stop with this pro-woman feminism stuff. Nobody wants that. It kills the fantasy.”
“You’ve gotta stop with this pro-woman feminism stuff. Nobody wants that. It kills the fantasy.”
What? We don’t have an official language, people can speak whatever language they want in public.
Go to London, you’ll hear 10 different languages in a single block. We live on a globe, not some kind of bubble cities encased in glass and should stay the same forever.
I’m just so disappointed that this article didn’t begin “Avril Lavigne isn’t dead--she’s born again.” It was RIGHT THERE!
I’m in my 12th week of a thankfully successful pregnancy so far. We had to go through hell and back with IVF to get here and I’ve been a ball of nerves and anxiety until my ultrasound today. If god forbid, I had lost the baby, and I had to deal with this fuckstick on top of an already devastating miscarriage, I would…
You know what you're not, Mr Pharmacist? A doctor. You are not qualified to determine if a fetus is dead, or decide what drugs someone should or should not take and why. You can warn about contraindications, advise about side effects and similar, but if someone who actually went to medical school says the fetus is…
My lesbian catholic bff whose spouse is enby minister could quote bible verses forever that support trans folks 100%.
It does. My super pro-environment, pro-choice, pro-healthcare partner just said to me he doesn't care about trans bathrooms now but might feel differently if he had a daughter. I explained stalls to him.
WTF People Mag, how can the title of that C.K. piece reference ‘sexual misconduct allegations’ when he confirmed the allegations were true?
Vulva scarf needs a bold, woven white string dangling from the bottom.
I only wear that scarf when I want to look like a twat.
I thought these accusations automatically ruined lives? It’s weird how only one of these lives could reasonably called ruined. And it was the one who was also caught with child porn.
I fully blame the teachers, this whole bullshit about there not being a plan in place is a lie they made up to cover their asses after they used the drill to harass and belittle a trans girl.
It was a running gag on SNL in the 90s. During Weekend Update, Tim Meadows played Ike Turner and would flip out on Kevin Nealon or attempt to bully him into doing something. Like, they would re-enact the “Eat the cake” moment from What’s Love Got to Do With it.
Also, send postcards as opposed to letters in envelopes - less security concerns that way.
Don’t forget that sweet rape attention, which we all crave
This is just further evidence that this entire world is set up to break people physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Tell me more about how men’s lives are ruined by rape accusations, and women only do it for that sweet rape money.