Attack It! (fka SVVIP)

I'm so sorry for what happened to you, but you are an incredibly strong person. Don't forget that your feelings here are totally valid, don't shame yourself for feeling this way. I wish you the best, and I hope you are having treatment for your PTSD? I know a lot of people who have had EMDR treatment for PTSD and

I’ve been dying to talk to someone about this! I love the Sober MV too, I watched it so many times yesterday. Daesung can actually play drums! It’s a hobby of his and he’s played them to accompany Seungri on the piano at a concert before. Lol, Taeyang said that people keep saying he looks like a mop even though his

Ok heads up, I’m not a doctor but I’ve been on both Citalopram and Zopiclone plus various other things. My suspicion would be that although you are taking time to adjust to the Citalopram or perhaps indeed need to switch to something that suits you better, it’s likely the Zopiclone that is causing you issues at night.

I have the same leg issues and I get around it with tights. Tights close to your skin colour or black tights which go with most things. I don’t ever entirely bare leg, I just pretend yo. I don’t like maxi-anything on me so if it’s not tights it’s gonna be leggings under whatever I’m wearing.

You can watch the subbed version of the new Running Man episode here.

Omg I would love to talk Bigbang with you until kingdom come! Squeal away, they were so cute in Running Man. You know they’re on Running Man again tomorrow right? It’ll be subbed by Monday evening (afternoon your time presumably). So you’re a Taeyang fan? He’s actually my second favourite, you have great taste. Have

Good article, lots of helpful advice in there.

Thank you! Bigbang are my jam so I thought I’d pick an ID with my main man Seungri in the title but never did I think it would actually become relevant!

Can’t tell you how to get dark hair that white but I can confirm that my bae Seungri is indeed not wearing a wig. He says his hair is in reallllly bad condition since they died it though, he has to get it cut often because it breaks off easily.

I never thought the day would come where my ID here would actually speak for me...

I think I should probably read this. I tend to hoard things and I’ve just got rid of -A LOT- of stuff through the tried and tested method of getting my dad round to mine to stand over me saying ‘why do you need this?’ He was a massive help to me, if I can give him a reason for why I need it, even if that reason is

Your ex boyfriend sounds like me... though I've made a definite improvement on de-cluttering of late.

I love her so much, she's awesome.

Fantastic, thank you so much for telling me. I suspect I’ll mostly be at the Prudential Center and hotel anyway but I wasn’t sure if it was a place I should be really worried about. I’ll rest easy now, it’s good to know that my chances of dying will be minimal!

Thank you so much! I was looking at the picture when I posted it judging it and all my hangnails and the terrible quality of my nails in general so you just made me really happy <3333

Am I too late? I can never remember what time SNS goes up and it’s like 1.30am here so it feels kinda late lol.

It once became apparent to me that two girls thought I was pregnant when I was standing on a train back from work and they offered me a seat and tried to persuade me when I said I was fine standing. I wasn’t pregnant, I just had a very long, thick scarf on under my jacket. Once I realised what was going on I went with

Are you me?

I feel you. I’m not a misanthrope either but god do I need that space from other people way more than other people seem to need it. I like people and I like the time I spend with them but I need space a looooooot of the time and being a hermit is the way that works for me. Thank god I have a job so I have no excuse to

Also I should read things back before I post because I ALWAYS miss words out when I type (I’m trying to type as fast as I think and it fails) and kinja won’t let me edit wtf