Attack It! (fka SVVIP)

When I was a tween in the early days of the internet I would post on a messageboard pretending that I was in university and about to get married. Yep, both together. I guess when I was about 12 I assumed these were just things that older people did so I went for both at once. For some reason people seemed to believe

Lots of girls pretend to be a dude on the internet, less harassment that way.

Oh god this is so me, I’m constantly afraid people are going to figure it out.

A fan is a fan no matter when they join a fandom. It's still cool that you like them, my friend and I joke about the fact that she's a big a-ha fan and I'm a big Depeche Mode fan, we're so stuck in the past lol.

My friend once yelled ‘HELLOOOOOOOOOOO’ into my vagina and it didn’t echo. I was fully clothed at the time though.

Are you me? Except I am more jeans and a t-shirt that reads ‘Lady Sex Pirate’.

My first thought was that Johnny Depp had suddenly aged... I literally only scrolled down to the comments to see if I was the only one lol

Different kids is something at least, I hope it’s refreshing to see some different faces for a change!

My friend is a MASSIVE a-ha fan so I feel obligated to comment and ask if you have a favourite member because she’ll be excited if you do and tell her about it. She’s a huge Magne fan xD

Omggg your doggy is adorable!

King’s, so you’ll be in London! You’re going to love it, London is great and if anyone is any trouble for you just tell me and I’ll punch them on the nose for you xD

Congrats on your grades! That’s totally awesome. Two weeks will go by in no time and then you’ll be able to enjoy the summer xD

I regularly tell my best friends that I will ‘cut’ them when they pick on my chosen pop star husband, but I digress.

Thank you for sharing. I believe you and I’m sorry for what you’ve gone through. I think some people forget that not everyone shows strength in the same way, not wanting to publicize your name and trying to get on with your life even though you went to trial is just a different show of strength to Emma’s. Like you

This looks awesome! I haven't been excited for many movies lately but I definitely want to see this.

Thank you!

That's amazing - just to show my ignorance, how do you go about doing something like this in Excel?

I understand you with the number in your head, that’s exactly why I’m not allowed to weigh myself lol. But it’s similar for the dress size - I have a number in my head and then there’s reality so I’m working towards the number. It’ll be slow and frustrating but I’m determined to get there. Thank you, the stairs is

I’ve been on a bunch of different ones already and this is the only one time I’ve felt like anything’s helping me so I’m really not comfortable switching when I’m finally starting to find some balance. Maybe later on when I’m more on track but I’ve just gone back to work and anything that flipped me off balance right

I honestly love kitten spam so much, kitties bring so much joy xD