Attack It! (fka SVVIP)

Good luck with getting a new place, I feel you on how stressful it is trying to find somewhere. I’m feeling similar, I get stuck on the obstacles and I really struggle to see possibilities. Fingers crossed for us both that we work something out. But yes, plan something nice! You deserve it after all your hard work

I’ve just read ‘The Bees’ by Laline Paull, ‘Elizabeth is Missing’ by Emma Healey and ‘The Miniaturist’ by Jessie Burton, would recommend all three.

Thank you for your kind words, I hope I get there. Good luck with your business, I’m sure you’ll do well!

First I discuss the shittiness with someone who feels the same way so that we can commiserate with each other, then I like to look and listen to things that make me happy. Sometimes I also request kitten spam.

It’s really hard right? I was on another med in addition for a while that really made the weight pile on and also made me so bloated that I looked pregnant. I’ve been off that around a month and only now am I beginning to feel like it’s only the weight I have to fight and not the bloating. It was horrific.

Thank you, that means a lot. I’ve been fighting it for a very long time now but for once I actually feel like I might be able to make progress.

That’s a good idea with the expiration date. I think the main problem is that I have to have a certain kind of clothes for work, but I want to have clothes I like outside of that. And the clothes I like are things like hoodies which are really bulky. I’m not willing to give up the hoodies lol. I’m going to go through

Congratulations on being one paycheck away! That’s incredible, you’ve done such a good job! It’ll be such a weight off your shoulders when it’s paid off, make sure you treat yourself with your first paycheck that is just yours!

I did nothing productive at all today. I stayed in bed in my pyjamas and finished the last season of Friday Night Lights before watching a bunch of Korean variety shows. I’m pretty reclusive and my housemates had some workman here crashing around so there was no way I was leaving my room to be called darling by some

I’ve had this feeling so much recently. Much love, I hope it gets better soon. Remember that we’re all here even if you feel you have no one else right now <3

I have some goals currently and I’m starting to despair over some of them tbh. I’m working towards things but everything feels hard. I had a breakdown at the end of last year and ended up in hospital and while I’m getting myself together, I’m far from fixed. These goals are something I set with my therapist as

You’ll get it, don’t give up. There will be plenty of opportunities. But I’m glad at least the conversation was good, I know that’s not what you were looking for but at least you had that.

I’m sorry it sucked, but I’m glad it hasn’t put you off trying again. I hope the next one is much better for you, these things can be really positive <3

Have fun!

Such a good write up! I’m a tomboy myself and I have a mixed relationship with makeup (I like how I look in eyeliner and coverup but I am also extremely lazy...) so I totally related to this one. I think you look gorgeous in both the before and after, though I do indeed miss the freckles in the after. I get the lego

Generally sex parties tend to be pretty safe - there’s usually a rule that if you say no to someone they have to accept it and not bother you. You’re also allowed to go and not sleep with anyone and just take the evening as it comes. Usually there will be someone to welcome you - explain it’s your first and you’re not

Thank you, I’ll try the jojoba oil, seriously some of my skin is fine and then some of it is so dry it starts flaking off and I’ve never found a moisturiser that does anything other than cover that up for a day. Maybe jojoba oil will help!

I understand completely, I’m used to getting some spots and having to cover them up but lately on my medication I’ve had really painful cystic acne on my chin and cheeks and I’m finding it so hard to maintain the self esteem I’m supposed to be working on when I feel like I look diseased. Plus the meds made me put some

Incredibly chilling, I’d never heard about this. I wish I could watch the full thing but it won’t let me because I’m not in the US :(

I’m in a long distance relationship (London and Texas) and I find the key is communication. We talk most every day using a free chat app, we leave each other voice messages, we arrange online dates. It’s hard but it can be done. It’s going to be a long time before we can get her to London but it’ll be worth the wait :)