Attack It! (fka SVVIP)

Excuse me what?! Ok, I’m going to pretend that I don’t know that that nice kid Bryan had a threesome...

I am not in the right country to view this.

Kinda same for me on the mood thing but I like your taste! I listen to some songs of those groups too, though I’ve kinda got a thing for K-hiphop at the moment, MFBTY’s album was awesome and I was super excited for Jinusean’s comeback. I’m happy you are excited for Bigbang’s comeback! Taeyang’s album was perfect, as

I live in England and my girlfriend lives in Texas. What works for us is making sure that we have regular hangouts (skype, or we use online stuff that lets us watch videos together and type down the side). We text each other constantly using kakaotalk, which means it doesn’t cost us anything because the messaging

I adore Epik High, they’re the band I listen to more than anyone so I’m super excited to be going. There’s still tickets for a lot of their dates I think so I hope you get a ticket to go too. I’m so happy that someone else here likes Korean music, what bands are your favourites? For me it’s Epik High, Bigbang and VIXX

The band I’m seeing in New York is called Epik High, they’re a really good Korean hip hop group, I totally recommend. And the band that’s coming back in May is called Bigbang and my beloved from that band is Seungri, hence my name here. He’s beautiful, and he’s cute and sweet and funny with it. His smile gives me life

I’ve had a really terrible time recently, but I wanted to post something upbeat and share with you guys. I managed to get VIP tickets to see one of my favourite bands in New York (I live in London, England looool) and I’m super psyched! Plus one of my all-time favourite bands is coming back and dropping a song on May

I truly wish I’d been taught some of these things earlier. I have BPD and a large part of that is emotions heightened way out of context. I’m currently doing a course of DBT which is similar to CBT but focuses on emotional responses. I’ve learned so much, it’s very helpful and I would recommend it for pretty much

I’m crying reading through all of this. I feel like this Rolling Stone article has just killed any chance of college students reporting. I mean why would they, to be humiliated? And not just college students, like it isn’t hard enough for those reporting, this will have a knock-on effect pretty much everywhere.

This is one of those moments where I feel ashamed because I don’t know who someone is and it seems I really should. Add to that the fact that I get bored of reading only about white people (and I’m white) so I often look for books that are set within different cultures and subcultures... very ashamed.

None of the men are a lower title than manager/director.

I think that the first quote saying that Europeans pretend that they don't know that you guys tip is a little wrong. Sure there might be some people who know but pretend not to, but on the whole I think we just don't know how things work with tips in America. We know to tip for food and for the most part I think

I’m a Brit who is so far from being a Royalist but I can’t help but like Harry despite his former mistakes. He seems like an actual human being and I’m really drawn to him for that reason. I hope that never changes.

Thank you, it hadn’t occurred to me to work backwards so I’m definitely going to give that a try. I suspect I’ll have to do some investigation to find out what I’ll need to know by then and what I might have forgotten from the previous exam standard, but once I have all of that I’ll try and group things together to be

I go by myself if I’m already out, but I kinda need the kick up the ass from other people if I’m at home. I’ll think about going and then procrastinate and just sit there. I have a lot of motivation issues at the moment lol.

So I’ve been back at my job (part time) for two weeks now, after a period of 4 months off following a breakdown. I’m trying to work out my goals at the moment and I think the biggest one is to get back to the level of Japanese I was at before, and then get beyond that so that I can take the next level exam at the end

Awesome! I need to start getting more exercise too, it will help my depression and also I need to lose weight because my meds make me put on. I’m currently looking for walking buddies, slow going though.

I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. You’ve got me wondering if actually I don’t have reflux like my doctor and I think... food simply does not seem to go down my esophagus properly and god it’s so unpleasant, it hurts and I’m basically on the verge of vomiting 100% of the time. I totally feel you, I hope this gets

Her hair is so on point, we should bring back the beehive.
