
tomtom the snitch. why haven't the smart phones killed this dirty rat yet?

facebook with their data mining and stats tracking can customize their offers at levels groupon can only salivate over. the groupon killer is baking in the oven.

Take a look at this number. 1 trillion. Biggest company. Ever.

how will a stylus work with the iPad?

big G is going to fly kite wind turbines and become your next electric company.

so with this service you don't really need to buy an iPhone will extra storage... wonder what stevie will come up with to charge you an extra benjamen.

iPhones are like cars. each re-design looks the same for a few years.

mass spermicide apparatus.

it's the province meeting a mandate. the mandate says 1 truck must clean each road every x weeks. the mandate does not say how so the head clean up official contracted the work out. the guy with 30 brooms at the back of his truck won the bid.

not bad that everyone was ready to pay. these people are not so self serving as those featured in super freakenomics.

in related news, the democrats propose obama care for pets.

why 40 tickets? In scientific methodology they repeat things to make correlations and ensure the result has significance. In traffic court, it's called milking a loop hole.

that's nothing, my helmet plays iTunes and reads me turn by turn directions.

android plays second class citizen. even in the white house.


american hypocrisy at its best. if the forces who already control legalized gambling can't control online gambling, they shake down the operation like gangsters.

"I'm just a street photographer" combined with this camera just got creepier.

slow down apple. remember when ma bell got too big? they will split your products (phones, tablets, macs, iTunes) into separate companies. you know, so the competition can have a chance.

even tens of billions of dollars can not mend childhood friendships. money less than relationships in the game of life.

a long while back, one of the rim founders was asked how would they fare against apple entering into their territory. rim founder goes, it's like a bear fighting a crocodile. it all depends on the terrain. turns out a more apt comparison has apple as the bear in the story but rim as a blackberry.