
macs were suppose to be in the luxury market. higher profits with less volume... the scary thing happened when they started selling iphones and ipads. huge volume at high profit margins.

groupon was always a flawed model as it never targets the customer using purchase history and gps. google offers gets that right... of course apple and microsoft will come up with their copycat versions so don't despair.

this just in, meego was just renamed to meegone.

if a driverless car is caught speeding in the woods, does the police give it a speeding ticket?

rim rip...

cant we just all move to apps and be done with browsers?

move to the great lakes before it's too late... fresh water shortages will be the catalyst for the collapse of countless great cities from LA to London.

what? i thought everything inside chrome had a few degrees of separation to selling more google ads.

way to go FB, you've designed a better points program.

3D TV has to be the poster child for this topic. upgrade your tv by paying a premium to get limited mediocre content. the 3D glasses they force you to buy is like a big L on your forehead.

the article is a little flawed. if this argument is about social interaction, then look at what kids are growing up with compared to a generation ago. texting has replaced phone calls, facebook displaced traditional gossip. mobile devices, tablets and whatever may come next will extend the way we socialize,

this is a loose-loose situation for google. they contract these jobs out to another country, google gets blamed for shipping american jobs over seas. they give ScanOps workers the same benefits and the hourly wage becomes unreasonable.

evolution is too slow. we'll find ways to change ourselves or offspring artificially... long before natural selection. self inflected mutation is the new evolution.

how about killing the bios so we get instant on?

pay per use is fair. what isn't is the price the telecos will charge. and you thought you get gouged by the petro industry.

better article would read Hulu plus going outside of America.

The gop polls showing The Donald as a top republican nominee makes republicans look stupid.

i get why they partnered with msft now. name 2 giants of their field who squandered sizable market presence by refusing to innovate.

pssst, pepsi... add an interface from your "social vending machines" to the smartphones. that way, anyone can "gift" the drink without waiting for the dude with chicken fingers as he pecks away at the vending machines keyboard.