
let's hope those wind generators on the end of really long kite strings pan out. the world will not see a social-economic revolution like the one promised by cheap & clean energy.

kinect webcam is more functional imo.

free videos from a major studio with no advertising... whatz that smell?

and the winner is....the patent lawyers.

I call cokepocrisy here. Any company who steals ground water from a state, then packages it in plastic bottles and sells it back to the people of said state, is anything but environmentally considerate.

i see a red bull and taser merger.

if someone tries to turn this science into a horror movie. oh wait...

hbo is asking for 20 bux a month and won't license any content to the hero that is netflix.

That is so last week... today Jesse Jackson Jr wants to legislate "an exchange program" that would replace white Americans diagnosed with cancer with healthy minorities to rejuvenate the work force and satisfy affirmative action in one fell swoop.

The pope got it wrong... technology and the pending singularity will make man less human and almost soulless. as far from god like beings as can be. in fact, i would amend the book of revelation to have humans splintering into religious faithfuls who refuse technology and those who choose to merge with the the

evacuation from the upper floors are via jet packs.

Facebook, the future of recorded history.

the iToys will also be bulletproof, for you know, when they try to jack your iDevice you can deflect the bullets like superman.

Ontario, the one place on earth with no natural disasters.

google, dont end up like these grumpy old men who have loads of cash but can't out innovate the slime trail of a snail.

Pssst, Amazon, develop in depth ad-experiences. Allow 2 way interactivity with the commercials. Reward people who interact and buy the products with amazon credits.

17% off the hardward purchase is a bad deal for the buyer.

Nike, this would work better on the Kinect.

booo! cant find this shoe in canada.

it's a nice teaser. better release this model before april though.