
this game is a great demo but no depth and too repetitive. here's hoping the squeal will be worth paying for xtra gold.

3D is still three years off. right now it's too much hype and little delivery.

wheres the taser version of this training video?

the white iphone is like the idea of a the one or a soul-mate. stories of perfect love lulled into believing that it's worth waiting for and boom you're forty, living by yourself, accompanied by cats and still no iphone to call your own.

when the proposal is mind blowing, it's all down hill from there. set the proposal pole vault bar a lil lower and you get more wiggle room for the rest of your time together.

theres going to be a new leader type guy in 2 yrs. the next emperor has lineage to the founder fathers of the c-party. winds for change, they are blowing. china has to loosen some policies on freedom of speech. this could be a test pilot towards incremental change. failure to loosen up policies will incite riots

first china then the usa. google, we swing both ways.

the author is spock and doesnt understand the human phenomenon known as the placebo effect.

one up this with brain imagine copies. if anything should happen to you, restore copy to clone/surrogate/robot.

the US finally has an interest in metric only to say - you`re not good enough. how american.

add some tentacle nose and he coulda been the much cooler manthing.

and you thought youtube has a lotta junk now. wait till they make the iDream app with the real time upload to youtube function. that`s right, watch other people`s crap dreams as they dream it. except mine of course. they`ll be all oscar winners and people will be paying to see 'em.

mostly going to be a win at this price point... only fail is the app store. yet another app store.

microsoft kinect, please consider entering this ui space race.

please astronaut doug, dont be the first to tag yourself on a out of this world photo. geotags will need a new format.

this is so unfair. it's like obama checking in at the white house.

they're introducing an app store!

over heard in a dinner conversation - its not gay if it`s shaped like a worm.

i'm a attention grabbing ho, cuz it's peaches fun

oh sony, you should have owned the mp3 players. why did your music division sabotage the potential and your brilliance in this arena?