
It’s true, the Frontier is a much better looking truck.

Tailgate - improvement

Can I use a sippy cup if it’s late and I’m already sloppy as hell?  

This is by no means a defense of the response from Domino’s, but it needs to be understood that ADA lawsuits have become a massive litigation industry. Tech-savvy lawyers will scour the internet for targets, using widely-available compliance/screen reading tech and then they’ll search for a “victim” to claim that

It depends on the beer, I guess. I mean, if I’m drinking a Barley Brown’s Pallet Jack from Oregon, yeah, that poor fella’s bleeding the fuck out. But Rolling Rock? Bud Lite? Oh dude, he’ll be fine and probably even make it into the game!

There is a video I use in a bleeding control class (I will NOT link to it) where a guy gets gored by a bull and the hole time this other person is applying pressure to the wound and dose not let go of his beer the whole time. Priority’s

Early reports are not promising

While I didn’t go to school at UO, I was a journalist in Oregon for years and had a lot of friends and colleagues who did. I actually think it’s a pretty good—and probably underrated nationally—journalism program.

If we’re being generous, the bystander effect is a real thing.

I’m also wondering if he was the first guy to try this or are there other bodies piled up off-camera.

1. Nopity nope, it’s a good learned feller J-school.* (me go skool ther)

Someone nonchalantly asks “Is he dead?”

Who was holding on to his beer?

“College Football Thug Attacks Student During Timeout”

God no...he is an Idiot to run aroung on the field but he doesnt deserved to be murdered.”

he offered to go get ice cream with the kid to patch things up.

Fuck that; You’re comparing apples and moonrocks — Undercharging for a prolonged period, where one does not even know, and OVER-paying where any idiot could instantly see they received unearned money, is not the same, whatsoever.

This. Thank you. 

Because an entitled few fuck it up for everyone, particularly the servers who work around it all day, every day.

They still have a high a pretty high repeat purchase rate though (I don’t have access to the data today). The thing not made all that clear here is that the entire industry is recession now. With material costs having spiked (thanks a lot Orange Shitgibbon) and entire industries losing exports (ditto), sales drops are