
Over drinks at a strip club, of course. 

A car sitting in a garage makes 0 horsepower.

I had forgotten there was a time when an M car could go this many miles.

the athletic department released this promo video starring Self in a [tucked-in] Adidas t-shirt and dollar-sign chain

I believe that it came out of a 2010ish Camaro and those rolled off the factory floor at just over 300HP. I didn’t realize the newer ones were getting north of 350. 

Not just that — Reading about this penalty has got to make a lot of people reconsider answering their jury summons altogether.

This is precisely why the real swappers started putting GM LFX V6's in Miatas; They make the right amount of horsepower/torque for the platform, they’re super compact (to keep weight low and back), and they weigh almost 100 pounds LESS than the stock Miata engine, making handling amazing!

Can’t understand the negative comments to this; It’s true, it makes it scary, and it’s a very, very real impediment to its use. People with 500hp LS swaps frequently find them all but undriveable on track and dangerous on the road.

I’ll never understand how something like this get a “so much fun!!” but anything else with power and everyone is saying “where you going to use that”. Personally, this is stupid, $36,000 for a car with no traction. At least this motor in the Hellcat will hookup...eventually. 

Nope. It was a very serious comment about a very serious engine swap. I only hope the new owner keeps a very serious face while spinning around doing doughnuts. 

Hello Oversteer, my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Of a HellKitty quickly fleeing
And the excrement that left a stain
Still remains
Within the sound of superchargers

I bet it handles like shit. Too much power for too small a car.

Just imagine if this had been an attractive white 21-year-old girl.

Nice subtle hand size reduction in the first one.

I feel bad for the guy and most people who trip over stuff on the ice in the pregame but I accept this if it increases the chance of making Vladimir Putin look like an ass.

Thanks to Wohl, Warren has now locked down the cougar vote.

I sent $55. Hit that shit 10% harder, Miz Warren. 

Just sent $50 more to Warren. Hell, yes. This is the best revelation ever: Elizabeth Warren fucks. You are damn straight it fucking slaps. 

2. The number for pooping is 2.

I know there’s an inherent bias among the sample, but how many people are reading this while pooping?