Bullies like this only understand violence and threats of violence. They see kindness as weakness. If we keep being nice to them we can expect more of the same, so I’m glad someone is finally messing their shit up.
Bullies like this only understand violence and threats of violence. They see kindness as weakness. If we keep being nice to them we can expect more of the same, so I’m glad someone is finally messing their shit up.
The truckers are the middle school bullies that never grew up. During the BLM protests they were the guys that showed up with paint guns and bear spray. Someone finally throws an egg at them and they shoot real bullets.
No reports of “rocks and shit” just eggs.
It depends on what Fox News tells them to be afraid of this week. Illegal immigrants, abortion, pedophiles, Disney turning all the kids gay, Fauci, M&M’s wearing flats instead of high heels, Dijon mustard, tan suits, the war on Christmas... take your pick. It’s amazing these morons have enough courage to leave their…
In everything I’ve seen and read, it was only convoy douchebags that got pelted with eggs. They were easy to identify because of how their vehicles were decorated and that they were driving incredibly slow while laying on their horns
What the hell are these assholes protesting against now? Mask and vaccine mandates have been largely lifted. If their employers require vaccines, they can either comply or pull themselves up with from bootstraps and find another job. If they want to go to Canada, they would also need to comply with their requirements…
“A bunch of kids chased the People’s Convoy out of the Berkeley-Oakland area of San Francisco late last month by pelting vehicles stuck in traffic with armfuls of Safeway eggs”
I like how they call anyone who just doesn’t want them clogging up the roads in their town “Antifa,” as if being opposed to traffic jams is some sort of radical left conspiracy.
These Freedom convoy jack-offs are the most pathetic bunch of losers on the planet.
If Pringles could only sell chips flavored like resentment and drunken outrage then they’d have completely captured my family Thanksgiving experience.
People seemed to do okay with big trucks, station wagons, etc. “back in the day”. It’s people being inattentive, lazy lumps that leads to this.
Pot in every chicken! (Which directly leads a to a sandwich in every Impala.)
True story: A friend’s dad who had bought a Chevelle new in 1972 was trading it in on a 1980 Corolla wagon (because the Chevy dealer told him to pound sand when he asked about a discount on a Citation!). There had been a rattle in the back door since he got the car. He removed the door panel before trading it in and…
What if you don’t know that the Smart Summon feature doesn’t work? I can envision the “it worked in my driveway, if someone is to blame, it’s Tesla” defense. Which could take years to resolve in the courts if the owner wants to take it that far. Would be much easier to just pass a law.
Thanks for belittling the hardware and sensor integration side of robotics. Indy Lights cars certainly don’t come with any of those sensors or actuators. That is what makes this such a great project. There is plenty of hardware and software development to do for a team.
However, no Indy car pretends to *be* a car that you can buy at a Chevy dealer, in name and appearance. I think it’s the poser aspect of it that irritates folks, down to the fact that the “S” in NASCAR still stands for “stock.”
Autonomous driving has everything to do with robotics? What do you think makes all the systems work? The car is a robot. Just because it doesn’t have an arm doesn’t mean it isn’t a robot.
This is awesome, and I totally agree that it fits in with Indy’s history of innovation.
This is so cool. What a great opportunity for students to get in on motorsports and robotics. I had proposed the same thing for my mechatronics class back in the day, except a no rules race around the lab with small robots. Got shut down because it was “too hard.” This is going to be absolutely epic.