
It’s certainly not McLaren’s fault the power unit has never worked. If it were just a problem with in-season development or something maybe his argument would be convincing but essential components of the engine have never worked properly from day one.

Why an 18 year old Soldier in a war zone running on 70 hours of no sleep is held to a higher standard of skill, professionalism, and discipline than a police officer in Anytown USA is beyond me; and to think that 18 year old Soldier would be less competent than the officer if the roles were reversed is unfathomable.

No and no. Many ex-military members are rejected from serving as officers because they’re ex-military. There are of course exceptions but those usually are due to nepotism.

Everyone who didn’t try to intervene should be fired too. Why did they let this happen? Like that security guy talking on his phone - what about doing your job? You’re witnessing a nurse on the hospital you work for getting assaulted!

To cover their asses over a potential unwarranted high speed chase; blame the victim, not themselves.

The fact that Payne was trying to force a blood sample from the victim of a crime makes this whole thing even worse.

Once Payne and his superior who pushed him are fired and unable to find another job, then I’ll believe in that “goodness of society”.

Dumb asshole calls person who called him out a dumb asshole. I’m shocked.

Maybe you should consider that internet posters aren’t trustworthy and that it’s millions, not billions?

One: No need to get aggressive, we are totally on the same side here.

Yeah, can confirm: I was a marketing consultant for them in ‘98+ when August was the communications guy. He was most definitely not okay back then and the stories were legion...

It is DUI, not DUIA. You can be under the influence of something other than booze. The breathalyzer only checks for booze.

Makes me sad. I had a friend growing up who was in that family and he talked about how all his uncles were alcoholics and died of liver cancer. While we can laugh at the irony considering the family business, a family of drunks is never a funny thing and it’s clear the problem persists.

Maybe because he’s full of shit? It’s $8.1 million and you fell for it.

What is Jalopnik going to have more articles on in 2017:

Just like the blue states fund the red States, NYC funds the rest of NY.

The city doesn’t run the MTA, the state does. The city raising taxes won’t affect it since they aren’t the ones who fund it.

Most unbelievably bullshit distorted headline ever. Shame on you.

Um...basically all corporations that lobby for more deregulation and more protection against customers suing them—often at the expense of basic human decency? Pretty obvious.

"Pearl-clutching": What a great phrase! It paints such a vivid image of the kind of people for which this is an issue and the era from which they come. I love it!