
Oh I have no doubt that you had an amazing childhood. And you were very cute, if poorly coordinated. But it's your adulthood that I'm worried about here. What would that slide loving, footy pajama wearing toddler think of the chocolate milk hating woman you have become?

But with a Chief Justice who has never been pulled over, for anything, himself, we'll find out what the Court has to say about it.

I like seeing these smoke, makes my fintail feel better about itself.

If you gave a laughable bank account, you don't have 850 to drop on a single tool and you probably don't have the time to tear into the heads of your BMW while working 2 jobs. TTAC was right.

That's why I have Sync. Even the hackers can't get it to work.

I'm so sorry that, even as adults, some of us are still able to appreciate and respect the things that brought us joy as children, Kara.

Seriously. Kara has clearly never had Nesquik. Or Ronnybrook Chocolate Milk.

God must surely be dead if pleated shorts exist.

I guffawed.

Ughhh, BMW reliability...rather have a Mercedes Benz...

I think you mean "At least it's not Magneti Marelli". Bosch is among the more reliable of the automotive electronic suppliers, and has a huge portion of the market.

Ecomentalists?? What dumb talk is that??

Well that can't be right

You could drive a modern Mercedes, and over-dub Ferrari noises, like they did for Rendezvous ;-)

Always keep a bottle of this handy when working on old British cars

I think they surrendered to "our air quality is shit and our city is in gridlock traffic" there, not "ecomentalists."

i wouldn't call it a surrender as much as they realize that constantly inhaling hydrocarbons is bad for the health of millions of residents.

Good decision. Some big cities in this world just don't need cars.

Good. I'm glad they're taking this shit seriously. It's a city, not a fucking farm. Find a way to use public transportation.

But weren't there hundreds of things that went wrong with this car?