

John Oliver is doing a damn good job over on HBO. I mean, that show is SO good!

Very much Mazda5....

I think Bruno Senna is the only driver that everyone wants to see do well

OK, let us both know then.

"Most actually cherry pick their beliefs to the point that they really don't follow except in name."

Dafuq...No I´m not. That was what Akin claimed...

Wait, what? That assh*le Akin claimed that the female body could unconsciously sense that it was being raped. I´m implying nothing.

Jesus says quite plainly in the New Testament that the old rules are still to be followed.

This is why the Abrahamic religions need to be thrown in histories trash bin. Now before you start flaming me go read the Talmud, the Torah, the Bible and the Koran and tell me they don't preach hatred, SEXISM, fear and a host of other stupidities. I am not saying that all people who identify with the Abrahamic

Didn't Falwell say that 9/11 was caused because god lifted his shield from over America because of all the gays in America. Crazy is crazy no matter what country.

Go back to Jezebel.

i stand by it. anyone that ignorant fucks goats.

Kind of like how Pat Robertson said that Haiti had that horrible earthquake because they made a deal with Satan to overthrow the French.

Now playing

Dont get fooled, these kind of ideas seem to pop up everywere. Remember Rep. Todd Akin when he claimed that a woman cant get pregnant if she was raped. Since the female body can `sense` rape...

It's really not far from the 700 Club, and that's coming from a Christian. Fundamentalist theocrats be hatin' all over the world.

Yeah but the bonkers thing is that at Le Mans in these years, there were LMPs, but the GT cars were faster because of rules and loopholes and this homologation fantasy world. That boggles my mind. These spaceships were the proverbial 'Corvette C6.R' of the day. That's something that's so hard to sink in.

I bet you drive a Toyota Echo.

While yes its fun to look back and think of what was. its hard to argue that now you have Lamborghini, Audi, Porsche, Ferrari, Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford, Mclaren, Mercedes, Nissan, Aston Martin, BMW, Cadillac, Toyota, Bentley among many others either racing or planning on racing in GT racing.

Agreed, this is the kind of shit that makes me ashamed to be a guy.