
Thanks Buzz. Hey, just a question....did you see the question mark right after my first sentence? Obviously if I am asking a question, instead of making a statement, then I am all for being schooled. So please explain.

This should surprise nobody.

Black guy became president.


Wait a sec! I thought republicans were all about free enterprise and entrepreneurialism!?! You know- like the companies that a free internet will allow to flourish...

I dunno... to me it appeared as if the Bentleys had the muscle to pull alongside folks down Conrod and their competitors just didn't know or weren't expecting a car to be on the apex of the kink headed towards the chase.

P.T. Barnum on line one.Something,something crack-pipe.

It's partially melted! You would have to be a masochist with a bottomless wallet to take on this project.

Sounds like you need to buy this car and prove everyone wrong, Taverish. It would make for some interesting documentation and articles on here as well!

Cheap?! for a pile of metal, 3 grand is not cheap. You've got some weird perceptions there

How many of us have the time/money/space/tools/motivation to get our knuckles dirty for this?

This makes me want to throw my bike in the trash. I actually realised during this article that cyclists actually are selfish drunken self_absorbed Cunts with no respect for the people who share their space. I'll stick with my battered old Celica from now on.

I am telling you: Nothing portrays cyclists like "assholes" quite like that piece of sociopathy on film. Riding into traffic and risking innocent pedestrians' lives will never be anything but a reason to see us expendable obstacles, not human lives.

it should be illegal to do what most of the papparazzi does. it's straight up stalking and invasion of privacy, etc. i am not going to act like i am not a consumer but jesus h christ.


So these assholes could easily hurt or even kill some poor schmo walking down the street. Be an adult in ride in sanctioned races; it's bad enough that you have to dodge the wanna-be Greg LeMondes in Central Park without having to deal with these edgey Poochies.

I have heard that people who write do so because they want other people to appreciate what they write.


obligatory dick pic